Shout by Deleted

Show this episode to your friends who love musicals and are always singing show tunes and if they like it, they'll be disappointed in ever other episode of Comedy Bang Bang. The show does a lot of parody episodes, but this particular episode is my favorite. It is a stand-out showcase of a brilliantly written homage/parody episode, this time to musical Broadway theater shows.

Casey Wilson's single shot satire of Anne Hathaway's performance of I Dreamed a Dream in the movie version of Les Misérables is one of the funniest scenes I've ever seen. Beware, this scene escalates in funniness, so be careful not to asphyxiate from laughing harder and harder both at the bizarre seriousness of her singing and the moving, rhyming crescendo.

My favorite song after the I Snacked a Snack of Tasty Cheese/Cheez-Its commercial is Paul F. Tompkins' Lord Andrew Lloyd Webber's version of One Night in Bangkok, but I'm not sure if that's because of the song or because PFT's goofy impersonation of LALW always makes me laugh.

Stay alert for a quick cameo from producer Don DiMello!

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