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Chicago P.D.: Season 8

8x03 Tender Age

WOW Burgess was a Bad Ass!! So good!!

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Burgess! WOW! Excellent episode in comparison to the previous 2.

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1:30 in and they’ve already removed their masks. WTF?!? People from DCFS aren’t wearing masks either. Why would you be in an enclosed interrogation room with no mask and no partition. This is crazy. The Chicago series could be teaching the public what to do. People learn, right or wrong, from TV. Bars and restaurants shouldn’t be open. And they definitely aren’t social distancing in either of those places. Makayla is so cute! It’s too bad Kim didn’t think about protecting her own baby as fiercely as she did Makayla.

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Shout by JasperKazai

Still think the term 'tender age' is kind of creepy sounding.

Not gonna lie, when Tariq first poked his head through the door, there was a split second where I thought it was Kevin. Lol

The person freaking out about COVID protocols in multiple comment sections sure is something else. It's a goddamn fictional TV show.

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Will be aired 13th of January..

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