Shout by JasperKazai

Ah, TV shows, where everyone is so willing to adopt children at the drop of a hat. Or agree on other people's behalf to adopt children - I'm looking at you, Gabby, and now Kim.
Kim's reasoning for signing up Adam as the custodian - "we were going to have a kid together" - doesn't track. That was (going to be) his child. Not only is Makayla not his, but she's several years older. There is a massive fucking world of difference between those two things. It is delusional to assume that because he was willing to father a child with Kim, that he would also accept this. It is not the same thing.

I don't know what it is with cop shows and having characters that want to become single mothers with no kind of support network (no family). Both Benson and Rollins in SVU did it, and now Kim here. Not everyone is cut out to be a parent.

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Kim’s my favorite character in the whole One Chicago shabang.

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Adam said to Kim that he's honored that she would ask him, um, she didn't she told you that she named you as guardian. That's just ignorant, at least have the decency to ASK him FIRST!

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