Shout by JasperKazai

Olinsky's mannerisms are so close to emulating Stabler from SVU, and his voice sounds almost exactly like Richard Schiff. It's an odd combo.

If a father said to his teenage daughter "I live here to be close to you," the daughter isn't going to reply "that's sweet." That's what an uninvolved third party would say, and definitely not what a teenager would say. She might hug him, but that line just reeked of being written for a script, rather than being natural. Her telling him to not get an apartment at the end is funny. "Yeah dad, just keep living in this garage in our backyard, don't get an actual place for yourself." That's kind of a selfish thing to inflict upon someone.
Also, isn't a father-daughter dance for high schoolers kind of... really fucking weird? Bit old for that, no?

Hey, I think one of the paintings they moved to find the secret door was the graffiti from a Chicago Fire episode.

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