I hope Puerto Rico will clear Gabby's head. She needs a reality check. Being self-centered and disregarding other people's opinions and feelings is not a personality trait that has to be accepted because "This is me". They are just not compatible and it's not on Casey. Anyone else would have dropped her way earlier. If she wants to be a single parent just do so already and don't string him along. I just hope they won't drag it for long. Kelly finally stepped up. Now they just need the chemistry to back it up. I kind of like Cruz's dilemma with Sylvie, because that is actually believable, but we were down that road already, so I don't understand why they would think anything changed.

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Oh, Gabby. Man, she's the worst.

This show needs to look outside the firehouse for its romantic relationships. I mean, there's 3 girls and all of them are with or being sought after by guys they work with. Enough already. Casey and Gabby are a horrible match, Kelly and Stella are plain ridiculous and don't even get me started on Joe being all love sick over Sylvie. Such little chemistry across all 3 couples. Let's stick to the saving and rescuing and forget about the romance aspect.

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Abysmal soap opera episode.

Why didn't the expose that asshole? He should be fired. Oh right, forgot, this is Democrat Chicago. Being a criminal is a positive thing in Chicago.

Hopefully we at least got rid of that selfish bitch Dawson.

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