Two episodes ago, Kidd hated that Carver implied she got promoted because of being "a woman of color".

Now she is totally okay playing the female card in front of her boss to get an office.


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what the f.. isn't there enough deaths already, I though at least this relationship is gonna go smoothly.

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what a episode endings.......

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Shout by JasperKazai

What a stupid way to kill off Hawkins. It's like they knew they want Violet and Gallo to end up together, but they accidentally made Hawkins too perfect, so better kill him off randomly. Why was he even there in the first place? They moved him to a completely different district.

I like how they made Herrmann wait years before he got his own office, but Stella has been an officer for how long and now she's already complaining about not having an office and forcing other people to do the work for her. Even made sure to mention how it looks bad that the woman officer doesn't have an office when the others do. Great officer you have there. Really befitting your station.

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Shout by alex

Was annoyed because fire cop again! and now I'm mad because they killed Hawkins.

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