Story was good but the animation seems to be lacking in some places. Comedy was definitely hilarious but a little bit repetitive.
Listarte character was the best which reminded me of a certain water goddess. Overall it was definitely a good watch, climax was a little underwhelming though.

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I laughed so many times

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This was one of them which had me laughing almost all through the season. I've absolutely loved it

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Oh my goodness! I haven't laughed this hard in a long time. Solid, funny, touching show.

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Not only is the MC seriously tasty eye candy, this might be the funniest anime I've ever seen.

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The goddess exaggeratedly reminds me of another water goddess from another show.

I liked the animation style, it makes the reactions more intense and funny, made me laugh several times, however the comedy is all that the anime has in the first 11 episodes and the plot is only present in the final episode, however the final is not spectacular to carry the whole show.

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