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BoJack Horseman: Season 2

2x10 Yes And

8.8/10. I may have to rethink my "graded against itself" scale for BoJack because it seems to have found a bit of a groove. Again, the show balanced the heavy stuff and the comedic stuff pretty well. BoJack and Wanda's scene felt particularly real ("You didn't know me. You fell in love with me. Then you did know me." was a devastating line.) Dianne turning into a shiftless slob who "wasn't the person she thought she was" was hilarious and heartbreaking in turn. And while Todd's story was more straightforwardly comedic, the meld between Scientology and Improv was an amusing take on both that had a lot of juice to it. I like where they've placed all the characters at the end of the episode, and I'm interested to see where these stories, especially BoJack trying to get back to the (metaphorical) place where he was last happy as a throughline.

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  • "Wait, are you saying Scientology is a cult?"
    "No! Scientology is not a cult. Improv is a cult. I wanna be very clear - this is about improv."

  • "I'm tired of running in circles. I'm tired of running in circles. I'm tired of running in circles."

  • Depressed Diane is such a mood.

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Noooo, I actually liked Wanda!

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How did I not notice that it was a cult?

It was sad to see Diane turn into BoJack from the start of Season One, before turning BoJack into the same person. I feel so sorry for Wanda and BoJack. That relationship looked like it could've worked. I don't know.

I still don't trust Rutabega. Now he's pulling this, "it's only temporary" bullcrap. Nah. He's going to do something terrible to Princess Carolyn, I know it.

RIP the Secretariat movie.


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“It turns out when you look at red flags through rose colored lenses, they just look like flags” UGH.

the conversation with Diane questioning if anything Bojack really wanted in this episode would have made him happy? UGH.

Bojack not being in the crowd for Todd’s improve? UGHHH.

I love this episode even though it really is so sad at the end.

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Shout by FLY

Rather meh on the story side, but on the characters' side: huge.

We had a whole episode about Bojack finding excuses to not come back home to talk to his girlfriend, but now Diane, the most responsible person in the show by far, is doing that for weeks! Bojack was in a very poor state at the beginning of the show, and it's DIane that changed him, now she almost turned in what he was and she's dragging him down again with her. Although I find it a little forced because she says she's "not the person she thought she was" but clearly what happened there was not her fault, she just had idealized what Sebastian was doing.

We've seen lots of hints of Bojack + Charlotte but that's still super weird as she was just his best friend's girlfriend. Also it might look kinda romantic thinking he's giving everything up to go see her because that's what made him happy, but at that moment, with Wanda, Todd and the movie waiting for him ? What a douchebag thing to do.

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