Wait so the people on the future could actually send people back so why the fuck didn’t the future resistance group send someone back to kill Mannix before everything started. This is so stupid writing.

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Sure let’s not kill the only person who needs to be killed. Classic tv show tactic. So stupid.

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if you thought that by this stage in the series things would start to pull together you'd be disappointed

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What. Alfred must’ve really loved that dick for him to break his family apart and go to jail like that.

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Shout by kinky

Too much Dark déjà vu.

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Anyone else found Elias face a bit creepy when he is looking straight towards you while Hasan is on the phone with her son?

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Wait why that bitch Iris shot him and then had tears. Wtf.

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Shout by Davezn

Poor Alfred and Charlie. All has not ended well for them. And the big bang does happen despite Shariah.

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