All Comments about...

Black Mirror

Season 6

BEWARE. Check each episode's comments, because (at least) episodes 2-4 have NOTHING to do with Black Mirror's premise. Season 6 is as appropriate to Black Mirror as a season of Punky Brewster episodes would be if they were promoted as a new season of The Sopranos.

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I was skeptical after reading the other comments, but it is indeed, the worst season of the show and by far.

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there's were all episodes seems as shows in Episode 1 on streamberry

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This isn't Black Mirror.

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Other than the first episode, rest of them didn't feel like "Black Mirror". Episode 3 was very good story and little bit of the mood. Rest of the episodes are barely passable.

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So BM went in a totally new direction. Too bad. Episode 1 was the best. The rest seem to have been written by AI. Predictable and not engaging at all. Dark (badly lit). Boring. What gives?
You want some good fantasy/horror? Try African Folktales. Much better imo.

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Beyond the Sea and Joan is Awful were the only episodes this season that actually made me feel like I was watching Black Mirror. The rest simply do not belong as episodes of this show and should have been part of some other anthology series entirely. I enjoyed Loch Henry, but Mazey Day and Demon 79 didn't do much for me at all. Easily the weakest season of this show. If they're not going to stick to the tech themes, then they should end the show. Start a new show to tell these unrelated stories.

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Worst of all! Don't bother watching...

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boring season, thank god the worst episode also happened to be the shortest

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This new season was such a disappointment...

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There's no real punch anymore, no real hurt. Their ideas here are so superficial, easy, shallow and obvious.

Coward writers, coward show runners. All Instagram fake culture, and in the lazy way. nothing real

Oh how I wish back the BBC Black Mirror!! American Black Mirror is so weak !!!!

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This season really was meh-ish. Not really dystopian. Lazy writing with 'twists' we could see coming for a million miles. Still watched all episodes but except for the amazing actors and good cinematography, it was pretty forgettable.

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Altogether a much better series than either 4 or 5. 1) Loch Henry - 10
2) Demon 79 - 10
3) Joan is awful - 8
4) Mazey day - 7
5) Beyond the sea - 6

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Even tho the overall episodes were well written; this season is the one that most got away from the Black Mirror theme. Except ep 1 and 3, the other 3 episodes weren't BM at all. The constant theme was "the progress in technology and how that is gonna fuck our lives up in different dystopian futures", and we got that with Joan is Awful and Beyond the Sea. But the rest? It would fit better in The Twilight Zone, VHS movies or some Halloween-theme episodes on some other random series. I mean, True Crime, Werewolves and Demons doesn't really fit in the "technology can get really bad" vibe. They aren't even in the same neighbourhood. I don't think they were bad episodes (well, Mazey Day was the most boring one), but it just don't fit the series. Is like The Witcher suddenly appeared with shotguns and drones like nothing changed. At least it was more interesting and better quality than Season 4 and 5.

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I'm so confused, is this Black Mirror or American Horror Story?

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Episode Ranking
1 - Loch Henry - I was invested all throughout, I can see the argument that it's not very Black Mirroresq but I loved it. Incredible acting, great style of directing / editing too.
2 - Beyond the Sea - Incredible acting, gets you invested fairly quickly and sticks to landing.
3 - Joan is Awful - Black Mirror with one of it's funnier episodes, decent ending, no harm with this episode.
4 - Demon 79 - Runs a little too long, story isn't all that gripping but has some decent scenes with some good performances.
5 - Mazey Day - The only bad episode of the season, luckily it's the shortest but this did nothing for me, had me rolling my eyes which black Mirror very rarely does.

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It has been a few years, but I was glad to see that Black Mirror is back. It was a solid season, but not great. I liked the first three episodes the most, but you see the twists coming from a mile away, still entertaining tho. Kind of wished they ended it after that. The fourth episode (Mazey Day) was absolutely terrible. I liked Joan is Awful the most, that was a classic Black Mirror episode imho. Hopefully we don't have to wait 4 years again for new stories.

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Hey Netflix?! What the...? After two lame Episodes with annoying self advertising content I think about to quit. Scifi/Dystopia I need!

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Oh man I can't wait

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Shout by Ro

Again, a let down….
Please bring this tv serie back alive

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It was not one of the best, but it had its moments....

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Hands down the WORST season. What is this? Because for sure NOT Black Mirror.

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Probably the end of the show. Two black mirror episodes and three from Tales from the crypt. I mean they are not bad, but they just do not belong here. I wonder what's worse. To make low quality stuff because of the lack of inspiration, or to just do something completely different while trying to sell it as Black Mirror.

I mean episode 2 has nothing of Black Mirror (unless you think finding something on VHS is technology).
Then episode 4 starts like 2, and end up being fantasy.
While episode 5 is straight up fantasy from the start, and it kinda admits it's not Black Mirror from the start.

But apparently, it was intentional. If Charlie Brooker wanted to make a Red Mirror show with these, I would have watched it, and probably enjoyed and rated the episodes more than watching them while expecting something from Black Mirror.

OK ideas on the 2 real episodes.
And the other three are actually quite ok. But they'll be (rightfully) trashed because wtf are they doing here.

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Shout by Deleted

三星半,除了第一集和第三集有黑镜原有的风格之外,其他集就像是世界奇妙物语, watched at 2023-06-18, imported from douban

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one of worst seasons i ever watched

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This season was more Twilight Zone than Black Mirror

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This season didn't cause nearly as much dread as the others and the stories were quite predictable (except maybe Mazey Day but wtf was that anyway?). It's not bad or good, just middle-of-the-road stuff, which is not what one expects from Black Mirror.

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i don't have 5+ words, just one: yikes

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This is The X-Files that I know and love.

I like how they're setting up these cases for Mulder and Scully to solve in the next season, something we haven't seen before on The X-Files as we're usually finding out the details of the cases as the episodes progress.

edit: I was just informed this was in fact NOT The X-Files but Black Mirror.

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I honestly can't finish this anymore. Legit so bad. This isn't Black Mirror at all.

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Shout by Phil

Really enjoyed this season, heard & read nothing before watching, really glad Charlie Brooker is telling different stories, just like The Twilight Zone it can be penned in by people's expectations.

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I had so much hope for this one. It doesn't surprise me if they cancel the show after this season.

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Ep 01: Five minutes in and I'm already disgusted from woke shite. I'll see...
Ten minutes, not getting better, still disgusted.
Fifteen minutes - now some drama unfolds. Waiting...
And they did it again, but...
Black Mirror has bin the best show they ever made.
Its weakening very much now. When they can't get writers/directors to the spot anymore, or just feel to have to accommodate the zeitgeist despite the audience - maybe the best thing would be to cancel it. Fuck off the audience, right?

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For all the hate Brooker gets, I think he deserved to do whatever he wants without being forced to satisfy rigid demands of his supposed fans who are exposing themselves as nothing but frustrated tech nerds. As a mix of weirdness, grotesque, danger and destiny related topics, along with interesting characters and plots that leave somewhat to be desired, I think this season was completely fine, even if there wasn't a groundbreaking moments. Moreover, I think that the episode Beyond the Sea, the one most like the "true Black Mirror" ilk, was the least ambitious of all the rest and kinda playing it safe. It's just that the expectations are now too high, and "completely fine" doesn't cut it for certain types of people.
But I gave 6x01 a mark of 10, so what do I know...

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By far the worse season of BM. No more BM for me.

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So...mundane. Nothing this season has really grabbed me or stuck with me, apart from maybe a couple moments; I can't even bring myself to watch the last episode. BM has really jumped the shark these past two seasons in my opinion. Whatever. On to other, better shows. Bye.

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This season has episodes that don't even try to be "Black Mirror", it seems that they recycled some episodes of the Del Toro series and threw them there.

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Weakest season so far, but the first ep is enough of a keeper that it's still worthwhile.


  1. Joan is Awful - B+
  2. Loch Henry - B
  3. Demon 79 - B
  4. Mazey Day - B-
  5. Beyond the Sea - C
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Date has been announced as June 15. Time to update the correct date in Trakt.

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