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Black Mirror: Season 5

5x02 Smithereens

As a commentary on social media and the power of companies behind them it was good, and Andrew Scott really knocked it out of the park, but it didn't really feel much like Black Mirror.

Plus it had a bit of "It's hard to be rich and powerful" vibe, I'm not a fan of that.

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Good acting, especially from Andrew Scott, the story is basic though aka "hostage situation", not very deep and way too long, boring in the end.

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This was just Andrew Scott acting and going apeshit.

I'd rather be watching Riverdale tbh

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I see many people here complaining that the message of this episode was blatantly obvious and simple, but I don't really think that is the point of the episode.

In my interpretation, this episode was mainly here to tell a story of a tragic character that does immoral things out of desperation whilst also showing glimpses of humanity in his actions, which in no way justify his actions. Similarly, they try to humanise each and every side of this story. Even the big CEO of the company that arguably does a lot of social evil has his big humanising moment, where he admits that it all spun out of control, and I think we can all relate to that.

There is no evil character. It is all a complex web that creates evil, and the point, as I see it, was not to bash into the heads of people to not text and drive, or to stop using social media, but simply to tell a story. A story that utilises the all-consuming technology in our society, and I think it does that job fantastically. It is suspenseful, layered, and incredibly moving.

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Was a wee bit predictable but still a good story. I think these episodes are too long for what the story is trying to tell. They would be more impactful if shorter. I found myself working out the episode early on and just watching instead of wanting to know the end.
Question - Do snipers have legs, or the ability to move position in order to get a clear shot instead of just camping out in the exact same spot they don't have a clear shot in?

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Must a movie be good? Is it not enough to see Andrew Scott, unhinged?

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And just like that, everyone went back to whatever they were doing and went on their merry way. Pretty much sums up the time we live in :type_5:‍♀

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The most real epsiode of BM yet. All the other ones have been really out there but this one is really something that happens today. Sure its very on the nose with its message but I still really loved it. Also Andrew Scott fucking killed t.

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well, honestly I saw some comments before watching the episode and i was expecting to see some s**, but I actually really liked. The acting was spot on, and I loved all the suspense with the hostage situation..Maybe it's not on my favorites list of all Black Mirror episodes, but it was for sure very entertainment to watch. I give a solid 9/10.

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if you want to experience this episode but don't have 70 minutes of your time to do that, watch this instead:

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In this episode we learn what people with any sort of brain already knows: texting and driving much like drinking and driving is a bad idea. And eventually we see two people talking about responsability to eachother like we're in some kind of AA meeting.

I'm SO glad I finally know I'm responsible for my actions, that everyone is responsible for their actions and that every action one takes has an effect on other people. And that sometimes our action of butterfly wings can create a tornado on the other side of the world.

I AM SO ENLIGHTENED NOW! White Mirror, I thank thee.

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They really shouldn't be able to send the mother the existing password, only reset it. Terrible security.

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Fell asleep several times before rewatching while spending 70 percent of the time fiddling with my phone

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OH COME ON!!! Where is the mind candy that I'm accustomed to when watching "Black Mirror??" It hasn't been in either of the first two episodes. This one wasn't bad, but seriously?? This wasn't any better than something you could watch on broadcast television.

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This episode might not be one of the best overall, yet it's completely stands out from anything else on this show. Yes, it lacks the dystopian or futurisc element that seems to be current in every story, but the way I see it, that is the main point. Notice how there is a date stamp at the beggining, the action takes off in the past. Meaning all of this is already happening and we as a modern society are deep into the addictive behaviour of checking out our phones. This could have been the theme for a BM episode, but it's actually just reality and that's the most f*cked up part of it all. I know i'm running around in circles here, but you get the point.

I hate getting caught up in a narrative without a clear resolution, but again, any outcome from that hostage situation would take away the weight of the message. People will still get on with their lives, people will still check their phones every two seconds and the big and powerful CEOs will carry on doing their own thing while they pretend they don't have any power to change things.

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What a weak episode. Only the CEO is somehow human. Of course … imagine Zuckerberg or anyone like that in that situation hahaha As if!
Police is incompetent for some odd reason. Just … uff … nope. Script was just bad and half baked idea.

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This episode reminded me of "The National Anthem", the very first episode of this show. It's not necessary cool technology or a fururistic environement to tell what some people call a "Black Mirror story".
It isn't any masterpiece, but leaves me with something to think after: everything is just one notification more.
This isn't a shocking message that will blow your mind (pun intended), but it's the first in a while where I find something worthwile to reflect on after

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Some impressive performances -- Moriarty and NotMarkZuckerberg, in particular -- provide something that an uninspired story couldn't. I'm also sympathetic to those who build a company and have it taken away from them in one way or another, so I could relate to that, as well.

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Andrew Scott acts the hell out of it, but his climatic revelation/speech never escape the feeling of something a reactionary Black Mirror parody bot would come up with, and that kinda sours the whole thing (as if this is an adaptation of that famous joke about the show, "What if phones, but too much?"). A shame, because otherwise this is some tense grim fun, with the escalation of spiraling criminal mishaps and corporate management troubles piling on top of each other in a deliciously Coen-esque way.

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Shout by Arkam

"I don't have a clear shot." Have you tried moving a few meters to the right?

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This one doesn’t sit well with me.
So we should blame big tech companies for making us addicted to their products, and the nasty consequences that come of it?
I very much question that morality.
Addiction is a problem of the individual, something you have to fix by yourself (with the help of others).
It’s not something that a company, seeking to make profit, should be held resposible for.

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Shout by MrBlonde
BlockedParent2019-06-12T15:25:51Z— updated 2020-12-21T14:38:00Z

SMITHEREENS please delete this comment

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As I understand it, he doesn't blame him for his wife's death, but he does blame him for making her addictive....
Which is true...
But right now the world is like this....
I don't blame the developers or anything, but if there should be regulatory laws in various areas to prevent all kinds of accidents....
Although one also has to be aware of the actions....

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such an underrated episode, easily top ten black mirror

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Powerful episode! Plenty of tense moments and suspense on waiting to find out why he was doing this.

Yea, some stupid plot-holes like the snipers lining up from the ONLY angle that wouldn't work, but overall some great acting and writing.

The simultaneous end of plotlines cutting to the credits was amazing.

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A very intense episode, Andrew Scott is amazing and I cared about his character.

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this one's incredible. big dunk on corporate middlemen. the cut to credits hasn't left my mind.

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bruhhh this show has gone so downhill, season 1 asked real questions about the way technology is shaping society and season 5 is just like "what if facebook made you text while driving wouldn't that be fucked up"

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Not gery technological, but very interesting and intense. I empathized with Billy Bauer on that phonecall. God! What to say?

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Shout by Blair

I almost stopped watching this season once the USiNg sOcIal MeDIA anD phone whiLe dRiViNG bAd scene happened. God this episode hurt to watch. Still couldn't prepare me for the next episode though.

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This was probably the most Black Mirror episode on Black Mirror ever.

While the message is a little too obvious, but Andrew Scott powerhouse performance kept things afloat.

You know, coming to think of it, this devastating event was only a second glance at a screen for the global world. How sad is that.

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Way better than Striking Vipers, but still below the average BM standard.

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Best episode of the season, knowing that the rest was pure trash.

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JEEZ, that was bad. I mean, seriously?!

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Loved it! Loved it!

So real! Everyone is hooked to their phones.
I admit I'm part of the problem. In 2 ways:
1. I'm a programmer so I'm the one of the ones that tries to make "tech" more and more addictable.
I mean, we just want people spending more time in "our" app because that means more money for us, and everyone needs a paycheck to survive.....
2. Also addicted. and I've done that in the past, "texting", checking notifications, etc while driving. And I know how addictive tech has become.

In my humble opinion that's why we really really need self driving cars (only) in the streets, so that we can do whatever inside the car while it drives us around.

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Meh. That didn't feel like Black Mirror either. The plot was painfully predictable, banal and bloated.

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