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Billions: Season 6

6x07 Napoleon's Hat

Shout by JasperKazai
BlockedParentSpoilers2022-03-08T00:57:20Z— updated 2022-07-08T18:22:27Z

This Prince storyline with his wife/ex-wife (I don't even know at this point) makes very little sense. Their daughters are 20-something. Wouldn't that mean she's at least pushing 50 at this point? So why and how the hell would she be competing in the Olympics that won't be happening for another 6 years? And if she's so sure about competing in those Olympics, then what about the Olympics happening 2 years from now? Shouldn't she be training for those as well? She ain't getting any younger!
If anything, it should be one of the daughters who is going to compete. It's just a bad plot arc.
EDIT: Ok, they clarify in a later episode that she's head coach. It's still not good, because it was unclear. It also does not answer the question as to why the 2024 Olympics would not be an ongoing concern for her.

What the hell was the point of that scene with the new lawyer lady and the finder guy talking about sake? It literally served no purpose, lol.

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It's same back and forth shit over and over. Starting to get annoying.

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Shout by Mad Maru
BlockedParentSpoilers2022-03-09T01:14:42Z— updated 2022-03-11T21:50:28Z

Hate to say it but after the last episode this was a step backwards and really seemed like episode filling and wasteful much like the final scene. When I was left with the thought this is a pissing contest about the rich/mega wealthy and for all Chuck’s protestations about the wrongs of the mega rich ==a lavish meal for two wasted simply due to another loss at work and a holier than thou attitude kinda undoes the entire argument he’s peddling to anyone who will listen. ==

No more missteps we need a solid end to this season or what will the point of future seasons?

Just watched remake of West Side Story and finally found something I liked Corey Stoll for and that was merely because he wasn’t in it much…

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