Besides Celeste, Madaline and Ed are what I enjoyed most about this season.
It was the kind of conflict that breaks your heart and then mends it when they finally fix it.
I love a good couple breakup/conflict when it's done so delicately, painful and sad and yet wonderful and unforgettable
So glad we got to see Adam Scott and Reese Witherspoon acting that good toghether and apart

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I like to think that the last scene is symbolic, showing that all these women are now bound together because they've dealt with the lies in their own lives: Bonnie doesn't love her husband so she breaks up with him, Jane admits she's into Corey, Renata finally leaves Gordon (who is frankly a waste of space) etc. Otherwise they'd be just throwing away their whole lives and risking their children's futures. Celeste could actually lose her kids over this! Actually confessing would not be the smartest choice.

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Celeste's argument made me feel like I can do anything in the world. She managed to destroy Mary Louise and her son at the same time... ugh her mind

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To me this season was better than the first one

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Season 2 MVPs: Meryl Streep and Laura Dern. Otherwise: meh. Should have stayed a limited series.

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Solid episode until the ending. The second season wasn't better than the first, but it was good. I don't buy several of the characters going to that police station at the end. But I'd definitely watch a third season.

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Waiting for the judge to decide was so fucking hard I literally had to distract myself, otherwise I wouldn't have been able to breathe. Out of everyone, Celeste's character affected me the most. Perhaps Nicole's powerful and realistic performance is why. And by perhaps I mean DUH.

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I agree with the reviewers here. Should have ended after first season. Too much time spent on Bonnie. Courtroom scenes were absurd.

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Soooo... cliffhanger it is - hilarious considering the "drowning" vision... in tears I guess, because we'll never know.

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"don't go there, you judgy judger. Keep your eyes on your own paper, Mary Louise"

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A faulty finale that at times indulges in come fan service. Last minute revelations about Mary Louise feel unnatural and somehow not even Meryl Streep, though credible, was able to imbue them with emotion to create the moment they were looking for, which seems to be the bottom line for the whole season. Like always, acting saves the day.

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The season felt very unnecessary, but it was entertaining none the less.

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I laughed at how the episode started with a flashback. The show's become a parody of itself.

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Renata had a very clean mouth on this one. i didn't enjoy it.

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The courtroom scenes were hilarious. Can you imagine suddenly pointing to an onlooker and saying, "Btw, see her? My dead husband raped her and that somehow proves I should get custody of my kids." Lol.

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