Saul Goodman is finally born!

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And ladies and gentlemen, here he is, now s'all goodman!

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It's just a name...

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Hands down. This show is getting there!

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The First step, at least we have The mame. "it's a Goodman". great!

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That goatee almost works. Almost. Can jimmy grow facial hair?

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Oh my god it’s that guy!

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The Birth of Saul Goodman!!!
(secret episode name)

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Saul Goodman is here! Great episode

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A less good episode than this series got us used to but we finally got to see the birth of:

's aul good, man

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Lydia, Todd's meth MILF is back!

Look at Chuck knowing exactly how far to go to use a payphone that no one would possibly assume he used. Just like Jimmy.

Michael Mando is so damn good as Nacho. The writing helps, obviously, but he plays Nacho so well that it's easy to sympathize with a guy who was recently trying to hire Tuco's assassin, and comes up with an idea to permanently debilitate Hector.

God, Kim was such a great Jimmy McGill cheerleader despite not knowing where that was heading.

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