The opening in stop motion is so beautiful!

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I am weak for characters having a deep understanding of each other's plight in spite being under opposite circumstances.

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That ending caught me off guard

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Damn Legoshi you got more feral and shyness problems than I did in school XD

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Wow that is a good op

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This began beautifully (I love how they changed the style up for the opening) and ended in some comedic gold.

So they shun Haru because deep down, they're afraid of her? And they're afraid of her because she's... sexually pro-active? Aggressively sexual? Or because she doesn't conform to standard herbivore-instincts/rules? And I'm curious about Louis' deal. He seems to want to edge on Legashi to become more "wolfish", to get the wolf out etc, although speaking of dynamics and instinct-play, that would be dangerous for Louis. I wonder what he's trying to get at. Hmm! Well I'm enjoying how the dynamics play out so far. Wanting more.

Adding to that is how they actually made smaller animals their actual size. I hadn't expected that either. But here they are, tiny squirrels and whatnot ready to be stepped on. So refreshingly odd.

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