Everything in this show works like magic! It's intense, emotional, deep, sad and yet so funny.

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This episode is perfect in every way. TONS of comedic relief from my favorite, NoHo Hank. Intense backstory moments for Barry, re-unification of Barry and Fuches was great and emotional. I liked the ending, seeing the killer in Barry boiling, and then seemingly unleashed on Sam.

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Fifty fifty... with Cristobal (read it with hank’s singing tone)

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I just wanna be able to do the face barry does at the end of the episode

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Bill Hader is such a good actor. Who knew?!

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“If I suck balls, you are king of Suck Balls Mountain!”

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Nothing shows excitement like Balkan dancing.

(It's actually looks like the Lezginka, and professional preformers puts the craziest sh¡t you saw in breakdance to shame. And, they are doing it with swords)

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a perfect blend of the absurdity and the seriousness that i was expecting from this show :clap_tone3:

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