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Baby Reindeer: Season 1

1x03 Episode 3

Oh man.. that ending. So heavy, so sad.

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Every time you think it can't get worse, it does. I love how much the tension is killing me.

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this is getting very scary

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“I can’t take my mum anywhere” - he missed the perfect opportunity for the Donny Dunn dance that would have been hilarious

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This shit is terrifying. I hope this acts as a cautionary tale for people. Don't just go along with this shit to be polite, call the fucking police if they won't leave. Please. Don't be a "nice" person and let people push your boundaries.

Also, obviously please don't stalk people.

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Holy shit, it’s crazy !!

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I just had to pause every now and then for how Embarrassing it is

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Maybe the most second hand embarrassment I’ve ever felt in my entire life that was actually painful

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nina jumpscare. this woman is everywhere

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hes such a bloody fool. had i been in his situation that dhow woulda been a singular episode

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