The baby was the best part of this episode

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Last season's trek to Omashu was a fun diversion that served a greater narrative purpose in how it set up particular elements of the story subtly, particularly the battle against the Fire Lord and Aang's former life. "Return to Omashu" is a continuation of that, and far more narratively significant as it introduces us to the new status quo of the show with Azula. Her posse, Mai and Ty Lee, are likable characters in their own right, and serve as a new dynamic to the team and showcase new abilities that are different from that of bending.

The fight scenes in particular here, because of that, are excellent, and with this season in particular there has been a much higher confidence in them. From the way they are edited to how they use their powers and abilities, it's all incredibly unique stuff and the beat of Azula chasing down Aang the trolley system is inspired. The episode does seem to climax twice, which is an issue, but when it's this good it hardly matters.

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The plot of the episode was 10/ was just a little fast paced. This would have served better in 2 episodes.

The second part of the episode shines though. Bending combat truely hits off from here:
- Water to manipulate environment in favor of defense
- Water to manipulate environment in favor of offense
- Water to immobilize with ice
- Water to freeze and shatter after making metal brittle

  • Fire wheel for a directed long range tracked projectile
  • Blue fire to imply Azula is more dangerous

  • Blowing cold air to freeze metal and shatter it after it's Brittle

While not "realistic"... These are 100% grounded in reality where there's enough reality in there to make feel grounded in the avatar universe. It doesn't feel like "magic".

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I love seeing 3 bad bitches maximising their joint slay. This introduction to Mei and Ty Lee was so fun. I loved seeing Azula's cunning and power in action. Also Tom-Tom is so adorable, love that little guy.

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The Earth Kingdom is such a complex kingdom — it is, after all, the largest by land and population size — and it is fascinating to see the different aspects of its people. This second episode on the city of Omashu is really the first look into that world (the s1 episode Imprisoned doesn't really count, in my opinion), and it is fascinating. They're strong, confident in their fighting ability, and a proud people; they have, after all, held out arguably the longest of any nation in the war against the Fire Nation. Yet with that pride comes stubbornness, and a faith in their leadership that at times is unfounded. This episode is really only a test of what's to come, but I think it truly foreshadows the greater exploration of the Earth Kingdom as we'll see later on in Ba Sing Se. All in all a great episode, with a fantastic fighting sequence at the end, that hints toward greater things to come.

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  • I love Mai's introduction, she's so unbothered
  • Bumi saying there 85 jing


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