I like the monster movie-lite quality of parts of this episode & the design of the Hei Bai a lot -- reminds me of something out of Neon Genesis Evangelion or Attack on Titan. The twist that it turns out to be the spirit of the area is a great tie to the beginning of the episode. This show continues to have the best animals, between Roku's dragon & those ridden by Zuko & the earthbenders. Uncle Iroh solidifies himself as my favorite character, first with the glimpse into his history/the siege of Ba Sing Se, & then with the reveal that he is STILL a warrior of the highest caliber, despite his preference to spend his days in tea-drinking peace. "These shackles are too loose!"

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Much anime—love the lighting.


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Their motives are beyond us - that is something made consistently clear throughout most of the mythos of Avatar throughout it's franchise regards to the spirits, and here we get our first look into the spirit world and how it impacts the rest of the world. The creature design here is impeccable, looking like something out of a Miyazaki movie in terms of it's patterns, look, and how it moves. It also doesn't screw around here, with the stakes being made very clear and showing just what happens when you mess with the natural order.

I really love Iroh's story here though most of all. He had been a standout character in the past, but here he really shines as we get to see him in forefront. The little hints to his backstory allow for a deepening of his character, and his relationship with Zuko is seemingly more then just a mentor-apprentice type one, instead clearly one based in familial love and respect. Plus it's a great showcase for how great of a Firebender he actually is while also showcasing his strength in a wonderfully animated action scene.

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When does this start getting good?

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Great episode 7/10 for now

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Snaps for Iroh's cunty little hip thrust before beating down those earth kingdom soldiers.

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those villagers really just left a 12-year-old boy out there to die, huh? seriously, he’s just a kid. and, as he said, “it’s not like there’s someone to teach [him] this stuff!”

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