It seemed like the Bumi "twist" was pretty obviously telegraphed by the flashback in the beginning. I don't remember whether I thought that during my first viewing though. It doesn't detract from the ep for me at all, partially because I really like Bumi. His antics are entertaining to me, like the whole "refurbished room" conversation. & it's compelling to see Aang reunite woth someone he knows from 100 years ago. "Lettuce leaf?"

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"My cabbages!" — Cabbage Man


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OFF WITH THEIR HEADS! One for each head of cabbage...

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Obvious twist here is obvious, but the show succeeds on the note of everything else in the episode. The comedy of the show continues to be very good, particularly in how it maintains the character dynamics and interactions in both the more comedic and dramatic beats. I especially love Old King Bumi, whose demeanor is very much in the same vein as old school Monty Python with his non-sequiters and strange outlook.

Still, just like the rest of the show, it also does a good job on setting up pieces of worldbuilding that will be important later. It's our first glimpse into Earthbending as well, the only style that had been left up to imagination at this point, and we get to see the Earth Kingdom at it's height, giving us a look into where a large chunk of the show will be set. And while the eventual outcome is obvious, it's nice to see how friendships go beyond that of age and generation, as Bumi is still the same friend to Aang as he was 100 years ago.

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Bumi, typical rascal with no brains that somehow made it to the heights of power, very nice episode

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Bumi's a fun little weirdo i especially love his garish outfits and pimp level rings. The best part of the episode was probably the final battle. I love how forceful and weighty earth bending is and especially seeing how inventive Bumi is with its use. It also makes Aang's airbending fun to watch because he was to be so inventive with counter maneuvers.

I will say a "flaw" of this episode is how light it is. we don't get much from katara and sokka and zuko is npwhere to be seen. but we are introduced to the iconic cabbages guy so i can't fault it there.

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