"We were on this ship and there was this booby trap and...well...we boobied right into it."

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Katara- "Why didn't you tell us you were the Avatar" Aang "because I never wanted to be."- Typical "refusal of the call. Part of what I like about this series is how many times Aang refuses and fails the Call to Action. Its the same in the Legend of Korra and is more realistic than the usual heroes journey outline.

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“So...I guess you’ve never fought an air bender before. I bet I could take you both with my hands tied behind my back.”

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“Good news is that the the avatar is just a little kid “

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I'm never getting over just how fucking cool airbending is. Aang wasting a whole fire nation ship with his ands tied behind his back is such a goat move. Never forget he became an airbending MASTER at age 12

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I really love the exagerrated facial expressions and choreography.

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If the first episode was about setting up the initial dynamics (the trio's friendship, Katara and Sokka's sibling rivalry, Zuko's obsession with the Avatar, etc), this is about immediately throwing a wrench into the mix. Keeping the reveal of the Avatar to this episode is a very smart move, as while it's not shocking to us, it allows the cast to actually have some time to process the reveal as opposed to rushing into it early on. Because of that, the episode is less about character setup and more about plot setup.

And because of that, the episode moves at a clip, feeling very much like the second part of a two-parter (of which this is of course), but this isn't a bad thing for it's overall quality. Instead, the episode uses this to showcase it's incredibly creative action sequences and animation, both of which are great and yet will only get better with time. It's a fantastic second part to a fantastic series premiere, and it's only about to get better from here.

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