Maria Zhang as Suki though, iconic!

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A lot of plot points feel very sped through, and definitely some clunky dialogue. That Kyoshi fight sequence was awesome though. Costuming was also great in this episode, Suki is perfectly cast as well.

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The casting is pretty good but believe it or not I liked Uncle Iroh more in the movie. I felt like he was one of the better things about the film. Though, here Iroh is probably closer to how he was in the animated films.
The elements action is so much better done in this show than in the movie. Where it was like “here’s some wind for you and some wind for you too!”

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mocking voice Oh woe is him, Aang is just toooo powerful It wasn't hard for him to learn airbending, it was hard to controlllll iiiitttt.
This is stupid, I just don't have the words to explain how and why

How did Katara know how to read that script? Their own writing is so different.

I think they went a little too much into the Sokka and Suki romance. Yue is just a few episodes away, I'm afraid that by that point we'll still be thinking about Suki and it won't be believable that Sokka would give up on Suki and head straight into a relationship with Yue so fast.

Why did they need a whole ass prophecy to realise they need to go to the North Pole, WHERE ALL THE WATERBENDING MASTERS ARE. YOU KNOW, THE NEXT ELEMENT HE NEEDS TO LEARN??

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I wasn’t really feeling it but as soon as Kyoshi took over Aang and annihilated Zhou & his crew, I got goosebumps. Still a little bit disappointed that there wasn’t a single line where Sokka mocks Suki for being warrior & a girl at the same time. And her removing her makeup already at this stage, ruins something else in the future. But anyway. It’s getting better… casting is again top notch.

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Looks like they changed a lot of things but oh my goodness, Avatar Kyoshi was amazing!

Suki was perfect btw, I loved the way she looked and carried herself in costume and make-up.

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Slightly better and the Kyoshi island people were fantastic. Aang is still overacting though and Katara is like a piece of wood most of the time. They both need to meet somewhere in the middle.
It doesn’t seem to know how cartoony it wants to be and those moments just aren’t landing in live action. Most of that is centred around Aang. Like his laughing in the final scene with them all. Not natural looking at all.

The actor playing Zuko is the most natural of the lot right now

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Suki with makeup and and the subtle acting was amazing also kyoshi fight sequence was done pretty well

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Avatar Kyoshi giving the goosebumps...

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lol what did I just watch

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Oh how I miss Yvonne Chapman already. No surprise she was absolutely amazing as Kyoshi. Love the casting so much.

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I'm liking it. Some of the dialogue is a bit wooden but all in all, enjoyable. Just wish they would stop the binge release model. This would play better on a weekly release.

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Another decent episode but the stupid, infantile and cringy behavior of Sokka is already grating on me.

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