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New faces are fine but it was great to see the real stars of this story finally. What an epic entrance! I missed them.

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yep, Levi is still the coolest one

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Mikasa: you killed children, Eren.
Eren: ummm chile anyways so-

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Oh my god Mikasa is RIPPED now

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What an incredible crescendo. The scouts are fucking terrifying.

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Good lord is the animation and art has been horrific (the CGI is better thankfully though - they've got that down) though they should only use it on Titans, its creepy and weird when they use it on Human models... I wanted to give MAPA a chance, but its obvious they just aren't up to par with WIT.... I would have rather waited an extra year or two+ then get this. I hardly recognize my favorite characters M(an)ikasa or Jean look so off model I wonder if they've even watched AoT before.... I still enjoy the show don't get me wrong but it just feels OFF - like part of the very soul of the show is missing.

I'm still having fun but this is not hitting like last season.

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What an episode. Suspenseful from start to finish! AoT is full of them and this one goes right alongside them.

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Oh it was litttt let’s goooo!!!

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8/10 by AOT Standard. I wished they hadn't used CGI for this last season.

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That was too crazy. I don’t even care the titan animation isn’t that great coz that was fucking incredible. Attack on titan is mad again! The first couple of episodes weren’t amazing but this was and I’m so exited for the next episode just as I’m sure I will be every single week. When mikasa showed up :no_mouth:. Wow. “These guys are just humans, yet they’re coming to kill me” I love it!

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Like, DAAAAAAAMN, this season is so hype, that build up from the first few episodes to this. I love this show.

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Mikasa's face is strange; she looks like a man now, whereas she did not whatsoever during the previous three seasons.

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The shock that Porco gets after seeing the Devils of Paradise charging straight at him in his titan form was so goddamn epic.

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It will take off your breath!! That was epic to watch, another amazing episode. But they changed their faces so much that I van barely know them now :(

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Episodes are nice and all, but it doesn't compare to previous seasons, especially when it comes to the sound tracks

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This episode is so f*** epic 10/10

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