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Attack on Titan: Season 4

4x23 Sunset

Note that Annie didn’t want to fight herself but she was raised to, and that she’s continuing as she’s motivated to see her dad again.

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Red sky for the Rumbling - gift that keeps on given. It allowed flashback and Marley's part of the episode to standout in particular. I love how much they focused on destruction and casualties. I liked Armin's outburst, Annie spilling her guts and of course comeback of a Harmless man.

Boy, does Floch have a way with words. The moment he encourage someone to go in the direction they were already going, it always works out as final wake-up call.

Btw, Mappa adapted ch. 125 panel to panel. Only 5 episodes left. Damn, what a choice of a chapter for cliffhanger:bangbang:
I hope movie is already in the works. In the pandemic years are flying by anyway..

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Well well well. I really don't know, what I should think about Annie. She was conscious the whole time and listening to armin and Hitch conversation for 4 YEARS. I wonder if she really changed her mind or she is still the same old Annie.

We even got some background of Annie's early life.
Connie is also determined to save his mother. No wonder when he was coming to that village for a few years. It's still heartbreaking to see. Next episode and we will see a conflict between Armin and Connie. He might even die but I don't know. We will see.

I think Hange doesn't even know, that the conflict has pretty much died out and she isn't in danger although I wonder what she is going to do in that situation.
And I just hate to see Levi being injured but it had to happen someday. No one is gonna live forever. He outlived so many of his comrades it's depressing.

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(stay after the Connie and Falco scene at the end)

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Connie bitch made for real tho

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Remember the time people said Armin was a better choice than Erwin because his plans had less casualties? :thinking: Yeah me neither, too busy watching the same people simping over Eren killing half the island. :rolling_eyes:

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