There are so many many many things that can be easily overlooked from this episode.
Even the title itself has a hidden meaning to it.

When you look back there's so much tied to this episode alone, right from the beginning itself.
Simple praise isn't enough for this masterful story telling.

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The animation is so gorgeous! The score is also so perfect. I'm loving it already!!

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This is my second walk through the entire show before start watching season 3, I really enjoyed it, what an emotional episode.

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On a whim I decided to watch the first episode again after seeing some scenes from the musical. And wow does this first episode hit hard... I had really forgotten about that...

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Amazing introduction to the series. There is so much foreshadowed in this first episode it’s crazy. It feels wrong only giving it an 8 out of 10 but I want to reserve the 9s and 10s for the truly special episodes.

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My friend forced me to watch this show and wow. I had to take a minute to process what I watched. Can't wait for what else is in store.

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This show has, so far, not lived up to its hype. I'm sorry to say the anime trope of the underdog kid who is too weak/scared/small to help is just inherently overused and uninteresting to me! :(

Will watch a few more episodes - hopefully it grows on me because I want to buy into the hype!

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Everybody tell me to watch it ! So here iam !

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I've never seen a show with such an effective and powerful opening episode; and at only 20 minutes.
No wasted time, but still raw and emotional, while laying groundwork and many details.
Just a piece of art

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Rewatching for the 4th time and it still hits me in the feels like the first time i've watched 7 years ago...

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I can’t get anyone into this anime just coz of this pilot, everyone I show it too thinks it’s boring

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Woah, that's not PG-14 lol

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