Vintage Atlanta. Best possible start to a new season.

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A lovely but still funny easing back into the core cast's chemistry. Van and Darius are a hoot together.

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That hospital scene was something

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I'm Dutch myself and this episode was brilliant. It's satire, so I know to take most of it with a grain of salt. But whenever Earn sneezed and EVERYONE went "gezondheid" I couldn't stop laughing. That was 100% accurate. The whole thing with Van & Darius though, damn, that went somewhere ;-;

Super glad Atlanta is back, and honoured that they did an episode about the Netherlands.

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if this season is just gonna be weirdass Europeans doing weirdass European things then i am here for it

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It’s so good at shock humor. Love when the guy who runs the concert venue beats someone up thinking it’s Earn

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Yeah, this doesn't happen and the misconception about the tradition is once again skewed to the bias of American eyes.
Granted I'm from Belgium and the tradition is slightly different from the Netherlands but still.

Even the Dutch don't do whatever the hotel staff and public was doing unless they were in character of Zwarte Piet. Which, they were not. I know this show is satire and shows an extreme view of things but still...

Good episode, just don't fuck with Zwarte Piet

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This episode was funny af. Very weird how they present Dutch people though.

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Darius and Van with that scene...dude.

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