
This shapes up to be a pretty epic (sadly) Series Finale!
Those past episode went to eleven Rating-wise, wich makes it even harder it got canceled. :(
On the over hand everything kinda let to this point, so...

Skinning people alive?!
That one hurts only watching it...
Ruby is dead?!
About time! And it was fucking awesome! I'm so mad at her for destroying Ashy Slashy's chainsaw!
The Dark Ones are Here?!
A Cellphone-demon?!
Do they never run out of ideas? And I guess: Like father, like daghter!^^

And for the Finale:
Ash always finds the right words! XD

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The Dark Ones
have not come to play,
Well this was a
Shit sideways sandwich,
things have just got
very real very quickly.
Well here we have it
with only one final
episode left then

They most be off
There meds to do
that to this
Phenomenal show,
but they did, doesn't
make it any less wrong.
I'll definitely miss all
the BatShit Crazy
Shenanigans of
the Ghost Beaters.
oh yeah
STARZ Fcuk You,
(hope you go under).

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The Cabin in the Woods ending rip off.

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Shit's about to get real!
And I can't believe there's only one episode left.


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Judgment day, preparing the finale series

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