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Arrow: Season 5

5x23 Lian Yu

HOLY SHIT, WHAT WAS THAT CLIFFHANGER AT THE ENDING?!?!?!?! This episode made me feel like Arrow S01 all over again. Loved it from the start. It was an emotional rollercoaster, specially with Slade, because you never really know what's his next move. I honestly can't even think about something else right now. Jesus! Where do i click to fast foward to october?? See you guys next season!!

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Lmao I can’t believe they ended the season like that, if the rest of the show hadn’t already been released I’d be pissed rn. Perfect end to the perfect villain. The flash in Oliver’s eye at the end, done so well.

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The only annoying thing was the big amount of flashbacks in the middle of the climax scenes. Just.. enough with the flashbacks already!

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Brilliant F**king episode!!! Best DC TV Berlanti-verse Show after a 5-year come around!! Amazing seeing Slade/ Manu Bennett again for the little face time he had! =D 10/10 Totally dope! and F%cking Ninja!!! Cant wait for Season 6!!!!!!!!!!!111

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Shout by Fire


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It's hard to see Katie Cassidy after that photos...

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Shout by Fire

I cannot describe how happy this is making me. It's doing literally every single thing right. When Slade did the right thing and showed himself loyal and regretful and back to being such a great friend I seriously started just dancing I was so extatic!

And with Malcom sacrificing himself for Thea?! I mean surely there's no way they can actually say byebye to John Barrowman but oh my goddddd I started crying and it was just like oh my godohmygodohmygod!!!!!!!!!!!

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Thank god! I hope everyone's dead, only so that there won't be another season of bs

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I was surprised at how much I missed seeing an un-Mirakuku-maddened Slade Wilson. Our introduction to that concept ("it wore off years ago") was a decent explanation, but much too quick; I'd like to have see that slipped in somehow a few episodes ago, and then Oliver finally deciding to take a hopeful-if-desperate chance on believing in it now. But I can get past that. Seeing Deathstroke back in deadly action, with what must now be a terrible loyalty to doing absolutely everything he can to make life up to OIiver (and probably to Thea, too)... I hope he doesn't just quietly disappear next season. We can't just open that door and immediately forget about it like that...

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Disappointed with the Cliffhanger. It's the season finale, not the mid-season finale!

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Me: -Thinking to wait the next season
-Fetal position

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I'm so hyped for this episode I can hardly breath!!! I think I'm gonna die of happiness. Grab popcorn!

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No words, this is one of the best season finale I’ve seen in years. I couldn’t take my eyes from the TV, thanks to everybody that wrote this amazing episode

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What a finale!! I loved every second of it. It had great pace, lots of tension and was filled with a rollercoaster of emotions. And great acting too! Stephen Amell did a terrific job, and of course Josh Segarra has been delivering all season. That cliffhanger was something else. I am glad I am binging and don’t have to wait months til next season. Also the way I yelled when I thought Slade switched sides. I really bought it.

Adrian Chase has been the best villain in this show. He has made this season interesting, he has really challenged Oliver, and although he did not win, he still kinda won lol. Oliver is going to feel miserable for what just happened. Great great episode.

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Great. They are dead ish

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I'm sorry, but this was really dumb ending. I thought immediatelly just f** tie him up, he's going to kill himself. And what did he do? He killed himself. They couldn't make it more predictable.

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I'm soooo on edge! So much adrenaline! And it's freakin' midnight and I have work tomorrow! That's how much I'm into this!!

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Shout by Sequel

Nice ending. Chase's fate was predictable. and we all know everyone makes it off the island due to Slade. And Merlin? Surviving that land mine would be a breeze because...Merlin. ;-) And I'm glad the island is gone...But without it, the writer's are going to have to find new material. Can't wait for the next season!

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Yhea, the Spartacus Revival is here!

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This show finally redeemed it self and it was one hell of a season, well done!

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It's been two seasons since I've fucking loved an Arrow finale! Yes!

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Shout by Deleted

Awesome season finale. The writers did a incredible job this season. I love every minute of Slade. And finally.. by by Chase. That was his plain all along. But the cliffhanger.. come on! But yeah.. Great season finale for a great season.

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Shout by Anto Butera
BlockedParentSpoilers2017-05-31T00:27:52Z— updated 2017-10-21T16:30:28Z

What just happened?
I think I'm in shock and denial. I can't believe they're gonna leave us hanging like that until next season. What?
I mean, I know most likely none of the others died not even Malcom (well, maybe, hopefully, Evelyn and the other baddies). But still. That was a really d*ck move, ending the season like that no matter how epic.
I'm demanding lots of daddy Oliver scenes next season to make up for that finale!
And OMG I loved how they brought back so many of the non-main characters! Slade! Nyssa! Moira Oh, my heart shattered and the pieces fell all over the place after that phone call.

Stephen Amell deserves a standing ovation for his acting this season. I mean, he's been consistently awesome, but this season he was just magnificent. Truly amazing.

One thing I'd like to know, though, is how long it took Adrian to place that many bombs. Lian Yu is quite a big island and there were a ton of explosives set out LOL
Also, are we done with the flashbacks and weird wigs now?

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This was a perfectly wrote and acting season finale, but for me is a difficult one. Yes, they gave us everything what we was expecting for; this season for me was almost bored. But I can see something more here, how are they going to explain us that the most part of the team (bc of course there gonna be survivors) survived to the explosion?

Either way, I'm so fucking happy that Chase is dead. I was expecting for this for too long. Also, I don't know why I suspect that Malcom didn't die for the landmine.

I need to say this, I'm not a hater of flashback scenes, but every single minute that I was focus in the episode BOOM! A flashback appears... Please, stop to do that in a season finale.

Good job Arrow writers, now you got us waiting for the explanation of how and who survived to that. Well, I hope that Felicity, Thea and Nyssa be ok, or at least alive.

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2 sides fighting on the island. It has been well, with cliffhanger of which I expect deaths by both sides. I hope that now that the fashbacks have reached the present end, and also that it is over I am to blame for all the bad that happens to those who are close to me

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Awesome to see Slade back. Although I wouldn't put it passed the writers to have him die in the season premiere....saving Felicity. Just put him on team Arrow.
Of course the writers have to have Slade curious about Oliver's love life. He also points out that he thought Oliver would marry Felicity. "Pukes!" You just don't have the most bad ass guy on the show interested in Olicity as well.
Otherwise it was a pretty great action packed finale.

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Shout by Jim G.

At one point, Felicity said, "Between Curtis and I, we have over 500 points of IQ." Wow. Bad grammar aside, I've always known that Curtis is impressive, but I had no idea that he's tooling around with an IQ of 425. In any case, this was a perfect example of why Felicity is such a tedious and annoying character. It's unfortunate that she couldn't imitate Merlyn in this one, so I'll spend the hiatus hoping that some of that C4 had her name on it.

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Shout by Deleted

Best fucking episode since season 2. Finally this show is back on track, Chase will forever be my favourite villain. And that ending... WOW.

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