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What a beautiful wonderful episode, I'm a sucker for romance and this episode handles it with perfection here. The cinematography is fantastic here also, it typically is with this show but it truly stands out in this episode. The bond between all the girls is great to see too, especially in that final scene. One of the best episodes of the show! 10/10 for me.

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The I love the teacher so so much. She’s such a brilliant character. While kindred spirits i kind of hoped for some unexpected, actual relation between her and Anne to be uncovered at some point.

Lovely episode, brought with a personal sting. Such lovely, romanticised light on adolescence-love. Sometimes I Wish I’d have had that. The simple pleasures of walking someone home. Waiting for them to come... that feeling when they don’t show up. The feeling when they do.

This episode had so many great moments. Just those small things peaking through, like it’s ok to be wooed by several partners and gasp, maybe accept both, not to speak of Anne and Diana having great vibes to becoming future “best girlfriends”, the whole “woman wants to do what she wants”, then the entire “savages” have brilliant wisdom that should be integrated with western medicine (I’ve really been hoping that’s the path Gilbert will take), the whole racial issues we have going on, men being open about their feelings, and being affectionate with each other without need of “no homo” or other bullshit....... man this episode was PACKED.

And the ending... bewitching. What a masterpiece.

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This episode was not so moving as the ones before but still a very enjoyable, heart-warming watch. The show is visually beautiful and a joy to watch.

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