This is an amazing interpretation. Where the book is vague on the horrors of Anne's life as an orphan, this version gives us glimpses into the abuse she's suffered (which can be confronting, so heads up for that) and shows the lasting effects it's left on her. Casting is perfect and the landscape is gorgeous. Can't wait to see more.

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One of the best pilots I've ever seen

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Well. Anne is just exceedingly annoying and incredibly accomplished in the art of guilt tripping people.
I'm not sure if I'll keep watching, cause when she lets loose with her over the top monologues I just can't stand her.

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I loved the old adaptation with Meghan Followes and watch it regularly, it is brilliant to have a new adaptation and it has loads of character and potential. I really like the actor playing Matthew and the girl playing Anne is a great little actress.

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Great casting and scripting and the imagination scenes all so hooked on "imagination" for the audience in contrast with the visual reality of the memories...
Superb is indeed a fitting word for it...

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Best pilot I've seen so far

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please let me be good looking when i grow up

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Shout by maurice

anne (with an e :crazy_face:) is as imaginative as annoying she is. she's talkative but she goes way overboard most of the time. i also didn't like how she's disrespectful (like she somehow thrown tantrums or what) when she found out she wasn't the one that the cuthberts wanted? i just felt like how she acted was too much and so off had it happened irl. nevertheless, i still enjoyed this episode!

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I honestly don't know how anyone can get through this show when you have a main character as annoying as Anne. She was unbearable to watch at times. It seems like a decent show but I can't cope with Anne whatsoever.

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