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Animal Kingdom 2016

The show has always been superb from the beginning and the end of 6×13 was just a masterpiece

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Really enjoying - in to the plot and characters easily

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I rather watch animal planet where I can see the rhinos taking a hot dump than this pretentious pile of shit.

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Not my normal type of show, tried numerous like it such as SOA but couldn’t get in to them. But, this had me hooked from the start.

I’m late to the party to watch it, and surprised I’ve no one seems to know about it. A hidden gem I’m my opinion.

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Amazing show, just needs more seasons

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It's getting better with each episode starting to get into it well worth a visit

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A very promising TV show.

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love this show. i dont mind the flash backs it definitely helps you to understand their back stories. hoping they'll dive A little into Jay and Julia's back story between Julia leaving smurf and when she passes away but with only a couple episodes left i doubt there will be time. Amazed by how well the actor playing young Andrew (pope) mirrors the actor that plays him as an adult. the body language and facial expressions are spot on. he makes his portrayal as the younger version of Pope totally believable. you don't see that often. :thumbsup:

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It was very good from the first, now with more history unfolding its must be amongst Sons of Anarchy, Breaking Bad and Better Call Saul

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weirdly good for an absolutely garbage show.

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weirdly good for an absolutely garbage show.

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weirdly good for an absolutely garbage show

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weirdly good for an absolutely garbage show

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Excellent show, it's a shame it ended but better to go out on a high.
A satisfying ending.

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I just finished S6. A great show, but When I stop to think about it, I would not recommend it: The characters we are supposed to care for are all absolute scumbags, criminals who make the worst decisions, and ruin lives around them. Sure they were raised by an Evil mother, but still, everybody is so bad and evil that watching this makes me feel dirty. In the end, I kinda wanted them to get caught or die. There can be something cool about those mafia/gangster movies and shows, but here I could no longer find reasons to care for those guys

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I've just started this show, mostly because Trakt has it rated so highly, but I'm having trouble really liking anyone in it enough to care what happens to them.

I'm continuing to watch it (seen 5 so far), as some commenters have mentioned that it takes a handful of episodes to get hooked on the show, but I could currently never watch another episode and be fine. If not for the fact that there is very little interesting television to watch I would never have started this one.

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Shout by ℒı∞

The series ended when smurf died, the last season is just very calm compared to previous ones

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Still one of the best shows on,could easily do another three or four seasons.

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Season 5: Didn't really add anything new. the flashbacks were nice, but prolly did it too much. We all knew pope was a head case! easy to fast forward the pope line in the first half and also the drug addiction cliche in the second half. hopefully the final season will be wild and crazy and somebody gets killed! Watch last 1 episode.

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I really hate these flash backs. They've just ruined the show for me. Not sure I'll even finish watching season 5. I skipped through them in season 4. Didn't know they were going to be persistent.

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Shout by Paul Vincent

Fantastic show and holds up the high standards of the Australian movie. No more Smurf but I say no more problems

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Really good show. Ellen Barkin is excellent. Every few episodes there's a caper that usually entails some kind of Point-Break-esque stunt or stunts.

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Think Sons of Anarchy with the bikers replaced by a family of young surfers. My problem is that unlike in SOA, the main charachters are just bad guys with very few redeeming qualities. They are not very likable and very hard to root for. In SOA at least, the gang was supposedly keeping the streets clean, and also they were fighting other gangs. Here? they are just the worst and you end up rooting for the cops, which I don't think is intended.

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Shout by Deleted

Really like that serie, everyone have something to hide, threatening each other for cash. Well, I like this kind of serie, every season we have a surprise. Can't wait season 4 !

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getting worse every episode, pretty bad show.

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I liked it a lot!,especially after season 1 ,I will give it 4 and a half stars! LOL

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what can i say about this 1? i try to sum it up in my view >i kinda want it to be better! it should be! although it simply falls on its arse in trying to be a gritty drama that hasnt had enough time to develop.Most times the characters arent believable or even original enough to aid to the shows grit which is imo is a little sprinkling of fairy dust at best. Its a shame though this could had been a good gritty show that one could be geeing or cheering at Josh but instead delivers a flat unlikeable tv show that ends up in i missed it pile!

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