This season keeps getting better and better! Kudos to Sarah Paulson for directing one of the best episodes in AHS history.

Combining 3 different seasons, and telling a story of a flashback inside a flashback is hard. Guest stars made me so happy!

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A supremely directed episode by Sarah Paulson that will give you ALL the feels. Unexpected turns of plot and surprise guests. Simply one of the best episodes of the entire anthology.

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Holy shitballs, this episode was so good that I wish a whole season was made from just this one episode ;_; I NEED MORE!

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OMG!! I loved it.
This season is pretty awesome.
I love you Sarah Paulson!! You did an amazing job directing this episode.
The music, the drama, the characters... I loved it all.
I laughed when Madison call Ben a DILF. LOL
Tate and Violent for ever!!
Jessica freaking Lange did an incredible... Impecable work. I missed her.
The moment I saw the black pope and his cardinals I was like WTF??
Too much happened in this episode. Is one of my favorites and one of the best of this show.

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I knew this episode was going to be very special! I absolutely loved seeing all of those familliar faces again and I was thrilled to see Jessica Lange back on the show even if it was for a brief moment, she was epic as always.
Michael's backstory, great! Darker than I imagined and it peaked my curiousity even more. Again, Cody Fern, amazing, keep him on the show, he is a great addition to the already awesome cast.

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I like it! We seem to be returning to the style of the first three seasons of AHS. I've enjoyed all seasons ... but miss Jessica Lange's characters .. that could just be a fan thing, but her acting is cut above everyone elses.

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Seriously this episode was marvellous !!

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Ben Harmon is the definition of a DILF.

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i liked the dynamics between emma roberts and billy porter but i wish porter had more lines

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OMG!!! Murder house. Where everything started. And Jassica Lang OMG! It started good, then it became weak, but still a good episode.

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Shout by Mel

We finally have the answer to who Constance’s 4th child is! I feel so much satisfaction and elation from this episode. But also this season.

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This episode made me scream like a 16 year old at a concert. Good thing I was alone!
This is by far the best episode since season 1. Loved that we finally got to see how the murder house went down at the end.
The end when Madison made Violet fall in love with Tate again broke my heart

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Much of the strength of this episode comes of sucess of other seasons.

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I was so happy to see Jessica Lange again, but I would’ve preffered to see her in a different role. Constance Langdon is my least favorite character she played on AHS.

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I really wasn't a fan of the first few episodes of this season, but I'm loving the Michael storyline. Cody Fern's acting is superb. I thought that I would go crazy over the Murder House element of this season, but I surprisingly didn't care that much? The only characters I really cared about were Constance and Vivien . The rest felt a bit off to me somehow. idk.

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Shout by Haibara

I really enjoyed this episode, and all these flashbacks and connections were so interesting, but two complaints about this episode:

  • I don't really like this "The house made Tate evil but now he's good again" approach. That is one thing that actually felt like they really forced a happy ending.
  • The Church of Satan looked so ridiculous to me. It looked like a cheap horror movie and I couldn't take any of their scenes seriously at all.
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