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All of Us Are Dead

Season 1

I am super mixed on this series/season.
Episode 1? Fucking fantastic! It still is my favorite episode in the series. It's nothing but character build up, and I love it.
Episode 2 to 8? Good shit. The pacing is way too slow, and some cliffhangers are pretty shitty, but what this sets up and tries to execute is honestly good. I was ready for the finale.
Episode 9 to 12? Meh. Not a fan of a lot of stuff here.
The thing that pissed me off the most was the fact that they completely abandoned the conflict between Gwi-nam and Eun-ji. For me, they had the 2nd most interesting conflict in the story (after Na-yeon's internal conflict), and yet they decided to use Eun-ji to alert the military to the existence of hybrids in order to not end the show in episode 8, and just made Gwi-nam run after Cheong-san for god knows how many episodes. It gets tiresome after a while. Gwi-nam and Eun-ji both survived after being bitten by zombies, and yet they never clash again in order to resolve the conflict that was set-up in episode 1.

Either way, weak 6/10. Na-yeon was my favorite character.

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The first half of the season I kept thinking this should have only been a movie. But the second half became more episodic and started to feel right as a series. All the way up until the final scene I kept wondering how or why a second season might come to be. And then the final scene happened and I want more.

On the flip-side, I'm not a fan of fast-moving zombies, I prefer my zombies slow and dumb. Just saying.

How I rate:
1-3 :heart: = seriously! don't waste your time
4-6 :heart: = you may or may not enjoy this
7-8 :heart: = I expect you will like this too
9-10 :heart: = movies and TV shows I really love!

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Just finished watching this series and wow.
I love Korean products that talk about zombies, this amazed me, it was a mix of emotions. I laughed, cried, screamed, felt sorry for the characters, got upset about some adult choices, and empathized totally with them.
I find it a fantastic product, the relationships between people and the reactions they have really amazed me.
I hope a sequel comes out, I want to see them again.

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It's good, slightly annoying when a hybrid doesn't die, like come on man! And how come so few were hybrids, nevertheless, enjoyable.

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A good first half season with a good pace : calm >> trouble >> run >> cry >> think >> run...
But this good pace is then broken in the seconf half with the introduction of the "I am bad and I am after your left eye raaah" character.
.You will then spend half of the season watching a very bad korean remake of Scream.
At this point, zombies became useless, they are there just to remind Us of the serie title.
...they maybe introduced those characters to make this first season longer and give a way to a second one but doing that this way, the entire show became less than average.

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Sometimes this show is unbelievably stupid, but other than that it is an interesting spin on zombie apocalypse genre, can't wait for season 2

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