Interesting shift in the dynamics of the show. But I'm worried about this change, as it may I inevitably lead to the same trap The Walking Dead fell into. This show's allure was the psychological tension of the games,which got the perfect embodiment in the performance and relationship between each character during a game. After this episode, the show seems to be relegating the games to the background and bringing that boring cliché of confrontation between humans in a post apocalyptic world to the foreground, in a true soap opera fashion.
Here's hoping I'm wrong, though.

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Score -1 because that dude really punched a tiger and sent it flying. Gtfo

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This episode ruined the vibe of the show. Hopefully it turns around

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Should I really be surprised that even THIS show has a beach episode?
Although somewhat different.

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Lol, every episode my score decreases. God that night scene at the pool was so fucking terrible and cliché. "Let's randomly try to rape the FL and antagonize the MC because we're the bad guys, can't you tell with how one-dimensional we are?"

I hate this "Beach" arc (I really hope it's just an arc) and what it represents for a show that I already haven't been feeling much positive things for. I'm curious if the manga handled any of this better.

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So, I was loving this show until:
• they found ‘the beach’ running behind a car
• the pathetic character that runs 'the beach'
• the guy who punches a tiger in the face
And I'm just halfway through the episode...

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i find the beach storyline corny im sorry

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Beach ruined the game and fun.
Interesting people are starting to appear:eyes:.

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Boss guy: Hey, leave these guys alone, angry second in command guy, do it for me
Angry second in command guy: :no_mouth:
Boss guy: ok I'm outta here! Angry second in command guy, you're in charge now... Don't do anything I wouldn't do!

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Where is the beachwear... The show is enjoyable and entertaining, but dude, the plot holes.

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Be careful what you wish for, as, you might just get it. Like all socialist Utopia's, this one too has a ruling class and peons, and some nimrod always wants to usurp the throne, or be the sole escapee.

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