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After Life: Season 3

3x06 Episode 6

The ending scene was so perfect. I have no words to describe it.

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Beautiful season, always getting the tears out at some point. I was sad to not see Roxy this season; i really liked the relationship she and Tony had built, and she was of my favourite characters. Very nice way to close the series.

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What a tear jerker. Great season.

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“I’ve had a lot of worries in my life, most of which never happened.”

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couldn't ask for a better ending.

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I wasn't a fan of the whole season, but this ending was perfect.

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As Ricky is an atheist I though it especially meaningful that he didn’t ridicule belief in heaven and showed that it would be heartless to take that away from someone no matter what he believed.

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Pretty damn good finale to this overlooked but consistently great and meaningful series. I said it in another review but Diane Morgan is a treasure and if the postman can end up with Kath, we all stand a chance.

I mentioned in another review, that while early into the year, the new series Peacemaker could be among the best series of this year, come years end. Well, again early days, but this will be right up there with it.

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Tears, laughing, howling, smiling, roller coaster of emotions and amazing. Ricky you’re a genius

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"I think you'd better leave 'cause you're bringing the whole vibe down."
Sure the kid was a gutpunch, but that just takes the depressing cake.

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«I thought not caring was a superpower. I was wrong. Caring about stuff, that’s what really matters. Kindness. Making other people feel good. That‘s the real superpower».

«Credevo che fregarsene fosse un superpotere. Ma mi sbagliavo. Dare importanza alle cose, questo conta davvero. La gentilezza fa star bene le persone. È questo il superpotere».

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Final was bittersweet as it has to be

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Weird how the best episode of this show so far comes at the end of the third best season. What an amazing, great episode. Beautiful.

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The cutesy mawkishness of his previous series finales, but not really earned in the same way and with added heavy handed atheist polemic.

This whole season just seemed to be Ricky Gervais convincing himself he's as great as he thinks he is. First couple of seasons were good, but this final run of 6 shows the idea had ran out of steam and just spent its time rehashing the earlier stuff - much like Gervais himself.

Still, at least it wasn't Life is Short.

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john wick in another universe

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A sweet ending. So much lessons to learn from. It's one of the few series I was afraid to finish because of how emotionally heavy it is but they did it so sweet at the end and it was a relief...

You have got to have hope, always and don't give up.

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