Best of the alt animation episodes both in style and for not losing sight of it’s heart

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5.9/10. Not bad, but not much to this one. Jake interacting with his family can be great or kind of rudderless, and this was the latter. The setup of Jake trying to remain cool in the eyes of his granddaughter's friends is solid enough, and leads to some fun shape-shifting and amusing antics, but there's not much to it. The resolution, where KKW is able to convince his skater daughter that he understands her interests but wants her to do well in school comes out of nowhere, and Jake is just kind of around for the story. There's some entertaining bits, like him dragging a sleepy Finn out to play the flute (did I see Huntress Princess there?), but for the most part, this one didn't really bring the humor, creativity, or storytelling Adventure Time is known for.

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