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Adventure Time: Season 7

7x23 Crossover

I thought of a new game. You need to guess if a quote is from Adventure Time or Game of Thrones.
"-What dimension is this?
-All of them.
-That's great! Then we can live everywhere.
-Everywhere you will die. You, your family, everyone will die over and over. Mountains of broken bodies beneath the wheel."

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I really enjoy when the show starts hitting up the more epic, mythic avenues of its storytelling. Having Finn and Jake meet and battle their Farmworld counterparts was a cool premise, and Finn's empathy for his Ice Crown-affected self and eventual destruction of the ever-fearsome Lich in FarmJake's body were both cool elements of the episode. I'm sure there's more to analyze here, but what stood out to me was the coolness of the worldbuilding (it's always interesting when Prismo shows up and adds in a little more mythos to the show like his "boss" or Farmworld Billy), the stakes and novelty of the conflict between our beloved Finn and Jake and a separate version of the pair with elements from two other familiar characters in the usual Adventure Time world, and finally, Finn and Jake's inability to set aside their empathy for anything human. Despite all that, there were some great laughs, and even sweet moments like Finn and Jake telling one another that they love their brother, just in case they end up "eating it." No show mixes the epic, the absurd, and the human like Adventure Time.

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YES! Always like it when we see an episode filled with lore. Prismo and the Lich are too good but we don't get to see them very often. The Ice king's crown seems to be in the centre of this season

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