What a delightfully weird, creepy, and hilarious episode. Starchy going all Art Bell, to Jake's chagrin, was a clever way to kick off the episode, and lent an air of absurdity to the whole Ring-esque girl haunting. What I really loved about this episode was the tone, which didn't skimp on how creepy the whole blank-eyed girl thing was, but also found the comedy in it, particularly in how Finn and Jake had a real sleepover vibe in their reaction to the whole ordeal, equal parts fear and laughter and trying ridiculous things to prevent the haunting. Jake's sudden supernatura skepticism combined with his more overt fear was a great character beat, and it was fun to see Finn being his usual self as well. It was very endearing, and the final sequence, prompting Finn's "what the junk was that" response, was sufficiently freaky in a "Scary Stories to Tell in the Dark" sort of way -- masterful weird horror kind of stuff.

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