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Ace Attorney 2016

With it's animation quality control and pacing issues, the anime adaption just cannot match the game's sense of tension, discovery, and momentum. But despite all of this there are brief moments of excellence to start a die-hard's tears welling.

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I'm really not sure how it must feel for someone who wasn't a fan of the original Ace Attorney games to watch this...
But for me, it was a hell of a ride.
Even though I must admit the animation of the first season wasn't the best I have ever seen in an anime, seeing my favorite characters come to life made me feel like that long-forgotten teenager I once was, yelling "Objection" and "Take that" and the occasional "IN YOUR FACE" at every little turnabout and damn... that was just beautiful.
(Really hope a third season is - or will someday be - in the works.)

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If you've played the Ace Attorney games this show is amazing. If you haven't... it might not be.

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Kind of a dumb anime. There is no mystery to be solved as all the evidence is given to the viewer at the very last minute.

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