piece on 3D printing was handled fairly well, post-Adam Neuman/Elizabeth Holmes/Sam Bankman-Fried/Charlie Javis a skeptical eye should definitely be cast on young'ns with big ideas to ChAnGe ThE wOrLd / dIsRuPt XYZ iNdUsTrY (especially if others/media is fawning over them especially if it's Forbes) but they managed to walk the tightrope between presenting a cool new company without inadvertently being an informmercial and asking skeptical questions without it turning into an interrogation. dude seems to really believe in the stuff and the idea seems more concrete (no pun intended) than WeWork/Theranos/FTX/Frank even if 3D-printing homes on the moon sounds like something that's more distant future than near future

just keep Lesley away from interviewing politicians

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