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3 Body Problem: Season 1

1x08 Wallfacer

Well that was a complete waste of time. Nothing happens after episode 5. They should’ve ended the season at episode 5

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Everything fell apart when they introduced that stupid fucking rocket with the bombs. How did they even get the bombS up in space in the correct spots and then get them to stay in that location? Not looking forward to season 2 tbh.

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Overall, I am satisfied with the series, although Will(s) brain now being "lost in space" is kind of a bummer. Sophon rubbing it in with, "I would have liked to have met Will", was just salt in the wound, especially since I have a feeling they could have saved him if they really wanted to. Saul is slow on the uptake because he's lost in a weed haze, which, just as IRL, is slowing down his synapsis and dulling his senses, taking the edge off of his critical reasoning faculties. Looks like Tatiana leveled up from AAA 2 bit assassin to AA, or maybe even the majors now that she has her own headset to jack in with. Clarence wrapped things up nicely with his bug analogy. try as hard as we do and, bugs are still around pestering us and giving the ick. Look forward to the next series.

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If they can hack into 3 automated cars to kill Saul, TF they doing when he's on an airplane, just malfunction some microcontrollers on the plane and crash it.

Also if the probe is flying at 80km/s as they show after the 3rd blast, the velocity is not increasing, hence there is no acceleration hence no force acting hence no stress in the joints, how TF did it snap.

Besides all of this, if their proton computer can mess up results of a particular accelerator, and they fear humans, just set off the abundant nuclear weapons we have. problem solved. why the elaborate plan of taking down humanity with taking down science.

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F**king mentally ill lowlifes. They trying to glorify terrorists. Because of these type of executive producers, we are watching these kind of craps.

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I'm sad that this is the last episode for a long time. Maybe it's time to read the books :joy:

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In this episode, Netflix declares a terrorist from the PYD group, which is the terror extension of the PKK, as a Hero / wallfacer.

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It went downhill after E05. The last 3 episodes were so boring. They should’ve made 6 episodes. Next season could be interesting tho so im not giving up. Overall a 7.5 for me.

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A very intriguing and interesting and creative episode.
Some disappointments, and the Saul's selection baffles me, but there must be a reason. Looking forward to season 2. Hope I don't have to wait 400 years for answers. :flushed::thumbsup_tone1:

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As someone "smart" Saul is easily the dumbest person on the show. Why did they write him like this?

Am I crazy or did some of the dialogue audio get messed up in this episode? Almost like something very slightly muffling the audio of Jin and the shooter.

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Ye Wenjie made a comment/speech/prayer about having a couple of ideas left in her in episode 6. In episode 7 she is seen holding books on Game Theory and Fermi's Paradox. Then she has a strange meeting with Saul where she tells him a very badly delivered joke about not playing with God. The following speech about private jokes and people not surviving without them had definite "undertones". And then she goes to China to kill herself. Then in this episode Saul is made a Wallfacer. I'm convinced Ye Wenjie is somehow behind Saul becoming the third Wallfacer for reasons yet to be revealed. (I've watched the TenCent version which never gets to the Wallfacers, and I haven't read the books, so this is my own theory, not a spoiler.)

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  • I'd like to see him
  • You wanna see the guy that tried to kill you? why?
  • "Know your enemy" Didn't Sun Tzu say that?
  • I don't know, I from Manchester
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From a somewhat interesting start this show really turned into a shitshow with absolutely ludicrous story, total absence of actual science and populated with drama queens, selfish morons and pacifists.

And the probe? Humanity's survival is at stake and they create something that breaks apart from shoddy manufacturing?

Did they get some DEI hire from Boeing to put it together?

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Most 'meh' finale ever...

Maybe it will get interesting in 400 years........

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It was kind of lowkey for a season finale.

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I'm sorry, but WTF was that? An multi-billion dollar idea to shoot a brain at 0.1% of lightspeed while the enemy fleet goes the opposite direction for milliseconds to pickup that brain and reanimate it to have a guy on the "INSIDE?" What kind of looney bin idea is that.

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A decent first season and there's enough to enjoy, but the quality of the show is out of balance. Acting performances go from great to really bad and for every good episode there's a dissapointing one. The story is interesting, but feels rushed at times. Best performances this first season in my opinion go to Bendedict Wong, Alex Sharp and Jess Hong. All three of them act really natural and subtle. Unfortunately this can't be said for Eiza González and Saamer Usmani. Usmani's acting is so fabricated and fake that it makes me question if it's on purpose and he's actually an alien.

Looking forward to a second season and hope they can improve on the first.

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well. cya in a few weeks. I'm off to read the three-book series, as I must know what happens next.

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This was one funny episode! Why did they make Saul so goofy! his interactions with the others was priceless. It really reminds me of "Lost" conversations.
Why they choose me ?
you will know soon
when ?
when it is the right time

Very good finale of course after reading everything about what is this show about (at the beginning i had no idea about the books and stuff). So yes one of the few after the empire destruction of Netflix watchable shows, "Dark" vibes and quality.

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Idk what happened last two episodes, they were so boring. Other than Will's new role, it was so off track. This episode really brought it together. The intrigue of this story was brought back with Saul's promotion and what happens to the Staircase Project and the ending. Really though, even with Benedict Wong and Liam Cunninham's performances, the dialogue is so weird sometimes that it really takes you out of the scene. I heard this got renewed for S2, I hope the D & D brothers don't muck it up again.

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Well, I didn't expect much...

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Everything leans on the presumed fact the San-Ti cannot lie. However, they might be expert liars. Is everyone just this gullible?

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As usual, I had problems with it but didn’t really care. It was cool.

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This last episode was very boring. Essentially nothing happened; and mostly nothing happened since a couple back. I hope season 2 gets a little bit better but for now is barely a 6

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I hope it gets cancelled. terrible adaptation

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It made me sleepy in the middle of it

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It's evident I'm enjoying the episodes more that are based on the second book, which I haven't read yet. So to enjoy the show more, I shouldn't read the remaining books. But my curiosity might be too strong for that.

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