I like this show, but after 6 episodes I must come to the conclusion that I really dislike Eiza González acting and her character Auggie. Compared to the rest of the cast her performance just feels off and falls short. She looks like she's duck facing half of the time and is more concerned with looking beautiful then delivering a believable en convincing performance. Saamer Usmani's acting is a bit better, but also very flat and artificial in my opinion.

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Well, that was a total momentum killer.

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oh man Lana Del Rey was just perfect for that

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The magic has gone I think. It feels like a Netflix show now.

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Damn, this derailed the excitement from the last two episodes. I feel sorry for Will but I honestly couldn’t care less about his character. Really hope his story fits somewhere into the plot soon otherwise what is even the point?

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Weakest episode till date. No SciFi. Just some friends meeting.

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"Oh no, 1000 traitors died because of my technology."
What a shitshow.

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There's a good 15 minutes episode in here. They just needed to cut all the personal relationships stuff.

Also, if you watch this without a good subwoofer, you missed out on some weird thumping sound at the end. Dune vibes, lol

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they really pulled a lana huh?

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From a somewhat promising start this now an orgie in non-science and stupid behavior.

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30 minutes in, wish i was 30 minutes into reruns of anything else. Whats the value of these garbage shows that hook you at first but spiral into nothing burgers. I hear my screenwriter professor screaming “Why do I care about any of these characters ?!” Yet this show returns silence, a meaningless droll down talkie talk talk long tension no relief street. finished watching this episode and im totally wondering why do i give a shit about this rando dude buying a star to lana del ray? It seems like Mark Zuckerberg has the hots for the other rando scientist who is really dramatic about her dumb nuclear idea. Like, why should i care about these characters!

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the show is so ridiculous

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I’m not satisfied with the answer about Vera’s passing, so she jumped because she read some messages between Evans and her mom???
And yes of course Eiza is gonna be puking during a guilt and depression episode in sexy black lingerie
And isn’t Saul supposed to be a very smart scientist too? I get that he is choosing to take care of their friend, but I hate that now he’s in the background being the guy that smokes weed and that’s it

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Sick guy is the most compelling actor and most interesting character yet I can't for the life of me remember his name. Tbh I don't think I know anyone's name. Tuning out too much gibberish has tuned out essential things as well. This show is definitely not for me.

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That certainly slowed things down.... :see_no_evil:
I prefer to see the preparations for the launch. And who will be on board the launch ship? :thinking:

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The less we see Auggie, the better the episode.

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I'm liking it...
Buy a star...

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Ok that part of him going to London was pointless. Why would he take the big journey all the way up there just to turn back because … he saw Jin and Raj. And that being the one moment he’d “realise something”. Meh.
And for a tailing job to only use one man? That seems unprofessional.

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