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3 Body Problem: Season 1

1x01 Countdown

I didn't like it. I prefer "Three-Body". I'm out.

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I'm coming into this knowing nothing of the novel or the premise. Based on the first episode, I'm hooked and hope it pans out for the best.

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Cast's on point, scientific jargon used a little randomly as a look-how-smart-they-are, but rhythm is good, different temporal levels mix well... gets you hooked - worth continuing

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Very good start, getting you hooked in the narrative. I don’t think splitting the book character Wang Miao into 5 characters is a big problem. Although I fear that the oxford 5 might stay a little flat as characters.

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Type of show it will take some time to develop. I’ll give it a chance. First episode is good.

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My favorite quote of the entire season: Second law of thermodynamics. Eventually, everything turns to shit.

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After reading the book, I did believe that its component parts would be very difficult to adapt to the screen. My fears were that it would be mangled in the same fashion as the dreadful mess that is 'Foundation'.

I have also watched the first episode of the 2023 Chinese 'Three Body'. That has problems. It is terribly slow-paced; repetitious and, on Prime Video, fairly poor video quality & indifferent subtitle translation. It did seem to be sticking to the plot of the book, but glacially. After seeing this version, I won't be going back..

The opening scenes are shockingly graphic. Mao's 'Cultural Revolution' in the mid-1960s was brutal. Well done to the writers for starting with this part of the story.

As an aside, why do so many of the characters smoke? In the scenes set in the 1960s, fair enough, but those in 2024?

Anyway, many of my misgivings were allayed. The story elements are coming together by the end of this opener and I look forward to the rest.

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Very good start, much much more dynamic than the Chinese version.

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I thought this would be more sci-fi and less magic mumbo jumbo crap. Oh no, science is broken. Writen by somebody who clearly doesn't know anything about science. If any particle accelerator started giving out "wrong results", whatever that means, most scientist would lose their marbles, but out of excitement for new discoveries, not in a "oh no what's happening" way.

The rest of it didn't make much sense either...

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Hmmm. Fairly slow first episode. Surprised (positively) that they actually expose the socialists as the criminal lunatics they are though.

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Oh boy, I can barely wait for season 8!

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Great start! Always good to see Rosalind Chao as well as Benedict Wong, two, IMO, underrated character actors. Eliza Salazar is strong with the Natalie Portman "V for Vendetta" Evey vibes. Marlo Kelly's Tatiana is creepy/cool and interesting. Let's see where this goes.

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Nice beginning, it is very reassuring that this is based on a book and a 2023 Chinese show from the book so it is will probably avoid the Netflix vibe.

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A very good start to the series. It looks very intriguing and interesting, hopefully it meets my expectations. :type_1_2::thumbsup_tone1:

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It's been so long since I read the books so I don't remember a lot of details. I'm going to watch it with an open mind.

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What a speedrun...
I just finished watching the Chinese version a few hours ago and damn this version is fast....
I don't know how much of the books are taken and changed, but it's not bad....
And as for this 1st cap, I like it has that Gringo touch....
And so far it doesn't look bad....

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omg the acting is so bad !!!!

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I like the story / premise so far but not entirely sold as how they’re trying to pull it off. I’m not convinced by all of the actors and their work. Maybe the 30-episode one Chinese version would :grimacing:

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Not the first time Clearance is talking about countdowns!

He is Prime, Tea-Cup Countdown winner of Tea Kettle, which we all want and crave!

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Not the first time Clearance is talking about countdowns!

He is Prime, Tea-Cup Countdown winner of Tea Kettle, which we all want and crave!

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Not the first time Clearance is talking about countdowns!

He is Prime, Tea-Cup Countdown winner of Tea Kettle, which we all want and crave!

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Looks promising so far but all this God talk is disturbing.

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Seems like the book readers don't like it. Never read it. Enjoying the show so far. Seems to have a lot of promise.

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Well, you certainly have my attention with this one.

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Science is broken. Only one man can save the universe -- DEI science Man!
I had to bail at the cringe inducing bar scene. Normal people go to a bar to relax and forget, not to brag about some thing.
Complete garbage. I'll give the book a read, at least I can do a better job with the casting.

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watched this because hideo kojima posted a long review. It's not bad but I don't want to continue watching

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Shout by Zen

Interesting enough and Looks great so far
But the Changes to the Book i dont know Splitting the Main Character into multiple people undecided on that one. The Flickering i understand why they did it this way looks better but don't Like the change

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I remember reading something about the book being "impossible to adapt to screen".
Not gonna lie, they had me by the throat for all but last minute of the first episode. When "it" happens it kind of ruins the whole mystery for me, it's banal at best. But hey, I've got a whole season ahead of me to see if it actually gets back on its feet.

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