Why didn’t he try to escape through the vent pipe at first??? Weren’t the government agencies untrustable?Did everyone become trustworthy thanks to Taylor resignation?

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Shout by JasperKazai

Heller asks Jack "why didn't you come to me with this?" Dude, you literally started this very conversation with "I had hoped to never hear from you again." How was he supposed to come to you with anything?

I guess this is when Jack gets to start being a "good guy" again. Probably will get to work with the CIA.

Man, these villains are lame as fuck.

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Audrey didn't even try to persuade her dad not to sic the marines on Jack. If I were in her shoes I definitely would have done whatever I had to in order to convince him not to. I know she was traumatized but that was never Jacks fault. I'm also not sure entirely sure about the actress (Owens love interest, Greys Anatomy) that they picked to play Audrey; she has some nervous tics (like she kept licking her lips and it distracted from the scene.) She fits better in Greys. I'll have to wait until she's in a scene alone again with Jack to make up my mind.

Chloe's loyalty to Jack is, as always, pitch perfect and crucial to the story.

The terrorist's daughter's boyfriend just signed his own death warrant, the idiot. Couldn't he wait a week? He had a good point about the mom never planning to let them go, though.

Mama bates chopped off her daughters finger, making every other mother look good in comparison.

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