This show certainly has its share of low points and terrible side plots. But man, when it gets going, it goddamn gets going. A plane crash, followed almost immediately by a gunfight? Incredible. Granted, the tension surrounding Nina killing Jack is almost nonexistent, since I'm watching this ~20 years later and know there are 9 seasons. But that's not the show's fault.

Love how Kim is all like "my dad is totally going to come get us." Once again, she is aware of what he is busy doing today. Why the hell does she think he's going to drop everything, just to come bail her ass out? How self-centered can you be??

So the main antagonist shoots the guy being tortured, but then instead of simply turning the gun on Kate, he commands his lackey to kill her, and walks off. Ah, classic villain trope. Amazing.

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Shout by Ward

We're getting back on track again with good developments with Jack and Palmer and their merging of plotlines a bit. That was nice, and i had a tear in my eye from Palmer's reactions toward what was going on and having to make that tough decision. You could see the conflicted feelings within him, Jack who had helped him so much and saved his life multiple times, and then when Jack talked about his daughter, Palmer was even more hurt. Damn, awesome scene. Plus, we had less story of Kim, which is awesome. And with the cia terrorist guy plotline it was nice the bit when they were in the interrogation room. I also like seeing Mason really trying to stop the bomb today. He changed since his diagnosis, not caring about ambition anymore and just trying to serve the greater good no matter what. Awesome, love it.

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As if they would ever kill the main protagonist of a series in its second season, in the middle of the season…

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I don't know why Jack was so stupid to let Nina hold onto all of the ammo, for what reason? Is it because he didn't have big enough pockets? Lol then to leave the gun behind where she could get it, he should have known how many cartridges there were especially when letting Nina hold them. Nina didn't get that in writing for proof first, so the President doesn't have to follow through with it if it was to happen, which it won't or there wouldn't be a show. Get a sniper to take her out, they don't need her anymore.

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Shout by Momo

The Jack/Nina arc continues to be the highlight of the season. Poor Palmer having to pardon Nina, but Jack always has a plan!!

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Shout by AJ

First decent episode of the whole season...

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