Shout by JasperKazai
BlockedParentSpoilers2022-10-19T23:43:11Z— updated 2022-10-20T23:55:13Z

Kim Bauer is directly responsible for at least half of the complications/bad shit that happens in this show. How can she be so stupid??
This randomly introduced boyfriend character is just going to be Rick 2.0, isn't he? He even kinda looks similar.

"My cousin can't stop talking about you; I think he's developed a crush." He can't stop talking about the person who refused to meet him, and he only saw a glimpse of down a hallway? What?

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I love, love, love that Nina is back! . It brings some much-needed excitement to the season.

Blessedly, there wasn't as big of a focus on Kim's storyline -- but don't worry! When we do see her, she's as dumb as ever.

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Shout by Ward

Kim Bauer is boring and annoying and her journey is boring and now she has a boyfriend all of a sudden who she then blabbers about the nuclear weapon instead of him trusting her. Jeez! Which moron decided in a terrorism investigation show that we should have a seperate domestic violence plotline with annoying characters? Stupid. Everything else is boring except for Bauer's parts, though Palmer's seemed to get interesting at the end.

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I think the Kim side-story is not as bad as people say (not saying it's good either) but she was hilarious in this episode.

Jack: There's a Nuclear bomb. Leave LA and don't tell anyone.
Kim: Kay dad.
Kim to Miguel (first person she speaks to): Mate, there's a Nuclear bomb in LA
The funniest thing so far in this show.:laughing:

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Shout by AJ

Jesus. The wedding blondes arguing with each other must be the worst acting I've seen since I tried watching half an episode of The Flash. The awful dialog lines and the extremely dumb characters don't help either, but even without that... no, scratch what I said before. The Flash was bad, but this is much worse.

Too bad, until that point this episode was more bearable than the previous ones... mostly due to the lack of Kim's scenes. But no, there she is again, being all stupid once more.

How can a decent show turn into this huge mess from one season to the next one? :tired_face:

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