Rewatching 24 continues with Season 2

One episode complete and Jacks already killed one person, Kim’s in trouble again with a wife beater...

If I were Kim I’d have to wonder why bad things keep happening to me

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Haha, they really went with the "we need you back, you're the best we've got!" cliche. Oh, that's great.
I love how Mason instantly gives Jack, who is now just a private citizen, highly confidential intel the moment he walks into the room. Before he's even agreed to work.

If Paula is "just a programmer," then why is she included in the intel briefing? And why does she know intel off the top of her head when she answers Jack's questions? That doesn't sound like it falls under the purview of "just a programmer."

Can already tell the Kim storyline is going to be a big steaming pile of shit.

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Intense pilot episode. who doesn't like a nuclear device threat? we're living in a big nuclear threat ourselves

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"I'm gonna need a hacksaw."

A promising start to the season. Michelle is one of my favourite characters, and seeing her introduction is always fun. I just wished Jack kept the facial hair for a couple more hours haha. So handsome.

As always, I'm not looking forward to Kim's idiotic storyline. I still don't understand why they bothered to include her in the season at all. It didn't raise the stakes in any way. (She at least pulled her weight in season 3, but that's another story.)

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– I'm just a computer programmer, I'm not used to working under pressure.

Are you kidding me?! Software developers may not have the stress level of a Wall Street broker or a trauma surgeon, but if there is one thing we are used to do, is work under pressure... :unamused:

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Kim hangs up on her dad when he tries to warn her of a terrorist attack. Then she gets swept up into being in danger again. Imagine how much danger Teri would get into if she was still alive.

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Shout by Ward

Once again 50% of the plotlines i don't care about and i won't care about until probably half the season is over; the woman investigating terrorist guy and Kim's dumbass adventures. Ugh. We just want to watch Jack Bauer!

Loved the bit with Jack's moral complexity at the end. Do the end justify the means? Does killing one pedophile murderer illegally to save millions of lives worth it?

The justice system and most governments would say no. Interesting, isn't it? The perhaps flawed morality of humanity, or most of humanity, or the justice system and governments. Yet it's how this world is run.

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FOX: “We really liked what you did with season one of the show, but we have one minor complaint. For season 2, it’d be great if you could increase the number of blonde women by about 99-100%”

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