The show is getting worse by the episode. It started great with the first two seasons. 3 was a crapfest and now S4 is deteriorating right in front of our eyes. It‘s a shame! Terrible writing.

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wtf was this mess! Well, at least Ani wasnt in this episode, this is a bonus

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This show crossed over from “entertainingly bad” into “unwatchable bad”. The whole thing felt like a low budget thriller from the 80s.

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can’t believe this is the same show as season 1

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So, uh, a few thoughts...

  1. I mildly don't appreciate the radical direction this show seems to be taking, but yet I'm curious to see where this'll go.
  2. Am I watching Friday the 13th or Shutter Island now? Maybe both?
  3. Seems like its crossing into a full blown-out typical horror film... I didn't come to 13RW to watch horror, but let's see.
  4. Why do I have a feeling these kids are somehow being experimented on to feel or see things a certain way? Because everything is just way too outlandish, even for hallucinations. This episode felt like some sort of experiment was being conducted and the hints of the show suggesting the police have something up the sleeve makes me believe they may be involved in orchestrating at least some of this bullshit.

A very outlandish episode and mildly disappointing. We're crossing into Riverdale territory and I hope it doesn't stay like that for long.

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That horn sounded like Game of thrones' night watch alarm

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Jessica is getting more annoying than Ani. And this whole show too. Only finishing this shit to have it finished..

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What's going on in this show? Monty ended up in jail, because he raped Tyler. Not because Ani told police he killed Bryce. Not because Clay whatever reason.
And what's going on with Jessica? Diego is such a stupid choice. Another bullying footballer.
Really Justin, pants? That's what you care about? lol
Clay emerging from woods was the best part.
Why Clay doesn't talk to Bill Standall. He's an adult and he knows about everything, it could help him.
And why on Earth Clay's mom doesn't freak out, she has to know something is going on.

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God, this season is bad. What the hell were they thinking?

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I liked this episode, as even if pivoting to a 1980s horror aesthetic was random, at least the episode tried to do something,which has been missing for a while.

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Shout by Haibara

I can't believe they tried to turn this into a horror episode. It didn't work at all. Having one person with hallucinations is one thing, but multiple teenagers freaking out in the woods is just annoying to watch.

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