It's funny that Clay didn't knew that about Tony.
He's so naive (most of the times)

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An excellent episode all around. The scene in the restaurant was especially moving. Great performances by the four parents throughout.

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I don't understand why so many people think 13 is wonderful. C'mon, we are at the 8th episode and Clay didn't listen all the tape yet. This show is so slow...

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Very good episode with amazing performances! Kate Walsh is brilliant in this show.

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In another attempt to befriend someone from school, they pass her personal space and invade her privacy by exposing a poem she didn't want to share. Tony finally tells Clay about the day of Hannah's suicide and how he was the first to obtain the tapes. Clay doesn't search for revenge but merely wants to help those who were hurt versus those who drive Hannah over the edge.

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Shout by JasperKazai

There's no way an English teacher would just start reading that poem to the class like that. Not from that source, under those circumstances. It's a school magazine, meaning the author of the poem is likely a student, and it's describing her underwear and her naked body. No way a teacher would think that's ok to read out loud in class.
Not to mention the poem is crazy in general. It's her first poem to read to this group, and that's how graphic she gets? Right out of the gate? It's not like it's completely anonymous - she has to stand up in front of them and read it. I do not believe that someone who was supposedly against people reading/hearing her writing in the first place would write all of that as their first poem.

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Shout by Sol

So at every stage, this girl just goes on trusting random folks like there is no tomorrow. Be it Zach, this magazine dude, Justin... One can't be blamed for thinking what's wrong with her.

Her first poem (which she shares with random strangers) is so personal, that it's unreal.

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"You mean with the tapes and all, not in a romantic way"
Looks Clay up and down... "...sure"

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Shout by Deleted

And... I surprisingly felt bad for Hannah. Although I’m still pissed at how immature is being at her school when they were reading the poem like wtf...

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Shout by Deleted

The acting in this episode was wonderful all throughout. Thank God for the person who acts as Clay’s mom. I actually loved this episode!

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The more i watch this the more I relate to Hannah B

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This episode feels like a fresh breath of air, a lighter episode in the otherwise very dark story. We finally see Clay smiling again, the person in the tape is also not that bad (imo)

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