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13 Reasons Why 2017

I don't understand how this show has anything over a 4/10 rating. The acting is E-grade, it's cheesy, predictable, and it falls all over itself to be so beyond politically-correct in every aspect of the writing, production, and characters, that it's actually unrealistic. It's essentially just more Liberal propaganda designed to indoctrinate teens into the Liberal-Borg collective.

i.e. An Asian lesbian girl who was adopted by 2 white, gay men, to be "Dad & Dad". The series is boiling over with examples such as that.

The (far) underlying plot line, where a girl who committed suicide is leading the people who led her to her decision around with a carrot on a stick, and the PSA of not bullying people, and basically, talking bad about them, is the only thing rescuing the series.

Other than that, it's very slow to develop, and watches exactly like one of those cheesy after-school shows I used to watch as a kid. Think, Saved by the Bell, but about suicide, and Liberal indoctrination.

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So fucking painful to watch.

Almost done with it as I'm writing this, and I want to finish it, but shit, it's really hard.

And good. Very good.

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i was very pleasantly surprised with this. i tend to be wary about book adaptations, but this is one of the rare exceptions where i'll say that, in my opinion, the adaptation has an edge over the book. yes, there are changes from the book, as with all book-to-film or book-to-tv adaptations, but i believe that, in this case, almost every change benefited the story. the characters are what really stand out in this. as i recall from the book, some of the characters felt a bit one dimensional to me, or were at least looked at in a more or less black/white light, mainly due to understandable time constraints within the novel. a thirteen episode series really lets them shine. the characters are more developed and viewable in a more morally grey light, which really makes you feel for (most) of them. and i personally feel these characters are what make "13 reasons why" stand out from the typical teen drama. netflix continues to be one of the (if not THE) best platforms for entertainment out there.

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The book was very good... but damn the show was incredible. Thank you Netflix.

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First season was decent, second season was meh, third season is unwatchable.

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Whatever your opinion of the show, one thing is clear. We need to take care of each other. While we may not be responsible for the actions of others, we are responsible for what we do, what we say, how we react to the pain others are feeling. For the record, I thought the show was shattering, truthful, painful. There are people who are going through feelings of loneliness now. Hannah Baker could be any one of us, somebody we know. So...

Don't be alone. There is hope. Love yourself and love each other.

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This was a steamy pile of an out of control train wreck.

Poor and unintelligent writing, a pretty reckless approach to the subject material, and a whole character or utterly unlikeable and sympathetic characters.

Just avoid, no work the time.

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I think that this show is very, very slow-paced and that it seems like Hannah, the main character (kinda), commited suicide as an act of revenge against the people that did something bad to her and that is not the best message that you should deliver through a suicide show.

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I really enjoyed this. It was surprisingly good, yet painful to watch. I felt so bad for Clay, Hannah, her parents and other for other characters too. Everyone screwed up, including Hannah. No-one was innocent, but only one was actually "bad guy". 13 reasons why left me anxious and sad. I didn't like the last episode and ending too much because it felt like they had more story to tell and too little time. it felt rushed.
I would recommend this to anyone who is not too triggered about self harm or suicide. Teen or parent, if you have the guts to watch it, do it. You might learn something.

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10/10, would get depressed again.

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Honest, moving, heart-wrenching, and at times, incredibly difficult to watch-- 13 Reasons Why impacted me more than any other recently released show has. Maybe more than any other show ever has or ever will. It's not an easy watch, but I believe that everyone should give it a chance. Because it is the type of story that needs to be told.

If you are contemplating suicide, are depressed, or feeling alone, please reach out to someone.

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hi yeah i just cried while watching every single episode because this shit actually happens to people every day, in various different ways and many people don't notice the signs. i encourage you all to give this show a shot. but, it contains many triggers so if you know you can't handle it, pick the book up instead or skip the scenes. do whatever makes you feel the most comfortable. the show has a very strong message, and tackles taboo issues. v v great.

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I recommend watching the first 2 seasons. They both have their fair share of faults, but they’re entertaining and engaging despite some of the glaring issues.

Season 3, I do not recommend. Although it has its few good moments, overall it’s a drag and the writing is poor. It’s not even close to be as entertaining as the first 2 seasons.

As for season 4, I actively encourage you to just pretend it doesn’t exist. It’s honestly terrible. The characters all don’t act in ways that they normally would, and the writing is straight up atrocious. Fortunately it’s only 10 episodes instead of 13, but that doesn’t stop the season from being incredibly boring and feeling like a long drag, especially the final episode that is almost 2 hours long.

Rating the first 2 seasons, I’d say the show is good, and I’d give it a 6.5 or 7 out of 10 overall. But when you include season 3 and 4, the show suddenly becomes an overall 4 or 5 out of 10.

Season 1: 7/10 (Good)
Season 2: 6/10 (Fair)
Season 3: 5/10 (Meh)
Season 4: 3/10 (Bad)

Average season rating: 5.25/10

Overall rating: 5/10 (Meh)

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Season 2 is so terrible, I stopped watching after episode 2. Seems very unstructured and not well thought out.

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1st season was actually good despite what people say.
2nd season was a nonsense and completely unnecessary.
3rd season is just a torture. And lets not talk about the wosrt character of 2019 “Annie"...

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Painful to watch. It falls short in between and picks up pace towards the finale.

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I really don't get what all the hype is about...

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3rd season is stupid i don't know why still people watch it.

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So dramatic with lots of plot twists throughout the seasons and season 3 rocks too
Loved the new dramatic season where Ani comes in as the narrator great to have a new voice narrate the mysteries to Bryce Walkers killer as it begins to unravel. Overall the new season leaves you confused throughout not trusting anyone as everyone is a suspect and has a motive to kill Bryce and leaving you truly shocked by the outcome, which will hopefully leave the victims of rape by Bryce such as Jessica, Hannah (Who committed suicide at the end of the first season) and a few other rape victims some closure wherever they are now.

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Fright rr r t t

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I get that this show is hot at the moment and everyone is talking about it! And I do get that it highlights the issue of bullying in schools and all that! Yes, this does send a message to people to raise awareness and all and I think it is nice! However, I still can't see how is this getting high ratings, I could barely finish the episodes?
To each their own, I guess! right?
Or maybe I'm not liking it because I am not a teen anymore, as this is a teen drama? lol

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I don't understand how this show has anything over a 4/10 rating. The acting is E-grade, it's cheesy, predictable, and it falls all over itself to be so beyond politically-correct in every aspect of the writing, production, and characters, that it's actually unrealistic. It's essentially just more Liberal propaganda designed to indoctrinate teens into the Liberal-Borg collective.

i.e. An Asian lesbian girl who was adopted by 2 white, gay men, to be "Dad & Dad". The series is boiling over with examples such as that.

The (far) underlying plot line, where a girl who committed suicide is leading the people who led her to her decision around with a carrot on a stick, and the PSA of not bullying people, and basically, talking bad about them, is the only thing rescuing the series.

Other than that, it's very slow to develop, and watches exactly like one of those cheesy after-school shows I used to watch as a kid. Think, Saved by the Bell, but about suicide, and Liberal indoctrination.

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I suffered to watch all episodes
i skipped the last ones and watched the final

the first 3 was ok, but when the kid started flashing things in his head that weren't real i just lost the absorption for this show

ok, the story is good, i think most of us all suffered that in school... the school is a very bad place when we have such bullies around

this show should be something to pass on schools and alert other kids and probably save lifes, but 11 hours of show i think is just too much and i rated this a 5 because this could have be done in less episodes
I was not here to watch a game of trones that never ends or a supernatural that have what.... 20 seasons? who knows... i dont, i stopped watching dean many months ago

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This show is too good. Clay and Hannah are my Jack and Rose of TV Series. They are the Romeo and Juliet. You will fall in live with them.
And btw this show is much more darker than you would think.
This series has changed the way I perceive things. You will see life in a different manner. TBH, I have been depressed for two days after watching this series. It has made me realize how fucking lonely my life is. Everytime, I meet my "friends", I just see how they behave with me and that has made me more depressed. So, those who dont have many friends must not watch this because you "WILL CRY". Atleast, I did.
Best Quote(Don't know why this quotes doesnt show up on the websites tbh):

Life is unpredictable..and control is just an illusion

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Shout by Dreadlock Unicorn
BlockedParent2020-06-13T23:42:54Z— updated 2020-06-16T22:24:31Z

I know kids are stupid, but they aren't this stupid right? Clay is such a baby. I still don't buy that he would take FOREVER to listen to all the tapes. Don't even get me started on seasons 2-4, absolute garbage, but fun to make fun of with friends.

Edit: Just realized the insane over-representation of LGBTQ+ people in the show (we aren't THIS prevalent in society!) Is the school built above the gay Hellmouth?

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I'm honestly so torn with this one. It's well done, that's for sure, but I didn't love it. On one hand, I like that it focuses on the horrible effects of bullying. But on the other hand, the glorification of teen suicide is unsettling. Not sure I would feel comfortable letting my teenage son or daughter watch this series (if I had a teenage son or daughter).

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I sobbed uncontrollably during Hanna's last scene. Heartbreaking stuff, but brilliantly executed. All those poor kids lost to suicide; It's a conversation we needed to have and this show is a catalyst.

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One of the most beautiful, heartbreaking, powerful show I have ever seen. As someone who struggled with depression for years, I felt understood very well. The cast is incredible, the story is truly heartbreaking and it sends such a strong message out into the world.

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Note to everyone watching this who attempted suicide or has previously attempted suicide: take this show slow, it will wear you out. I watch the first 6 episodes once a day and woke up every morning after that feeling stressed out. The rest of it was depressing, watched it all in one sitting. I mean hearing a dead girl's story of why she killed herself is a very hard pill to swallow. This is what happen when people hurt each other and didn't care about someone else's feelings. The story is emotional and I hardly made it every episode with out myself tearing up.

Don't forget, you are not alone.

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This is such an amazing show. It's also heartbreaking and hard to watch at times. From someone who has tried to take their life multiple times, If you have these feelings, don't watch this show just yet, this show has emotionally destroyed me.

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What a ridiculously well-made serie. While watching the serie I felt that I was part of the cast. If that happened you know how good the serie is! Well done Netflix!

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Liked season 1 a lot. Season 2 was good, and season 3 episode 1should have been included in 2. The rest.... Wtf?! It just seemed pointless and needless & like they kept dragging the show out with every possible edgy & "upsetting" subject they could, ruining the show. Why even call it "13 reasons why" after that point? Oh and btw the website they recommend is an insulting joke to anyone who has ever had mental health problems. Give me a break. Ugh. I wish they had just ended this when it should have been....

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My experience watching this.

Season 1: Amazing! This is a great series. They did most things right and the cast is amazing. Minnette is an amazing MC and his acting is more than good enough. Sometimes I feel him being a one man face similar to Kristen Steward, but sometimes you get some small surprises. The rest of the cast is also great. I cannot be impartial when rating Langford since I have a huge crush on her, I'm totally biased. Unfortunately, the cast also suffers from what I call the CW Curse; the "everyone is really good looking or at least nice looking" curse.

Season 2: Well, ok, that was... nice. Still entertaining but I'm starting to doubt the motivation of the characters.

Season 3: ................. WTF!?

Season 4: What kind of trashfire is this? Is this fanfiction? Am I watching Shonda Rhimes by accident? Who the hell keeps uping the stakes so stupdly besides Rhimes? Geezus fucking christ man! What is it with Clay obviously having a mental problem and not even the doctors seeing it? What stupid development. This was a mistake. SHUT IT DOWN, MAN! Shut it all down.

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Shout by peteseguro
BlockedParent2020-11-17T09:48:24Z— updated 2020-12-03T05:40:52Z

A very interesting and difficult show to watch, I think it is too good and is a must to watch show, especially the first season, the bad thing about it, is that every season it falls in quality.

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It's really dark, it's important you're in right headapace before watching this. I'm not sure, but maybe parents need to be careful their kids are exposed to this (teenagers).

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Shout by Deleted

I watched this show after the hype has cooled down and just for the sake of checking it out. I dived in not expecting anything, but man, I was hooked after the pilot. Every episode makes you watch the next one asap.

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I did not expect much from this series. Thought again, it's a 0815 highschool series. Still, I looked at the first episode. What can I say. The concept inspired me. The story and the actors play really well. Episode by episode, it becomes more difficult to keep going for me and for the main protagonists. A very good and thoughtful series.

sry for my bad english

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Very good slow paced tv show. Different than other teen movies I've seen... There's darkness in it that I love. Tho I expected it to be gloomier in every way, but I think its decent enough. Hannah was a very unfortunate girl combined with unfortunate events & her fragile heart. Clay make me biting nails coz of his indecisive character... And at the end he learned in a hard way. Kudos!

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Shout by Deleted

there´s should be only 2 tapes, all rest is just "drama queen" we see everyday.... and that we been trough without making our parents suffer from our idea of an easy way out.
strong performances made this one of the best teen shows i seen.

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Damn, piece of art. Watched all episodes in just a weekend (that's pretty fast for a person like me) and especially the last episode got me quiet. It's a beautiful story and looking at the cinematography they did a very good job. I liked the difference in color corrections: warm/yellow colors for the past, the cold, blue colors for what is happening now. They clearly had spend a lot of time creating this cinematography and that resulted in a pretty good season. I don't cry often or easily watching a movie or series, but this one got me right in the heart. Definitely a "must-watch".

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Shout by Deleted


I also have to say, as a PARENT, watching this, my WORST NIGHTMARES came to life on screen!

Seeing what it is like for kids of this generation in school. The effects Social Media & Electronics have on BULLYING.

It's no longer some kid at school, always picking on u, now w/a few clicks, that kid, makes his jokes, go viral, now it's like the ENTIRE SCHOOL & BEYOND, r picking on u!!!WTF? How is ANYONE supposed to deal w/that & keep their sanity, MUCH LESS TEENAGERS w/their brains still developing!

U see it like a train wreck in slow motion, u watch each & every action & it's effect on the charactors, u see how bullying pushes kids to suicide or mass homicide, and u see ALL THE WARNING SIGNS & u see how they r SO NORMAL, NO ONE NOTICES THEM! but in retrospect they will see they were all there all along!

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Probably the best Netflix series this year.

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Definitely agree that the show gets worse as the seasons progress. It is addictive though. The characters become more annoying and the messaging more and more woke. Meh. Watch season 1 as it had the best most thought through concept, ditch the rest.

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"Just move", I'll give it a try

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entertaining and addictive but worsens season by season

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Shout by JR-Style

The first season has some really haunting scenes, especially with the suicide. Pretty dark for people to watch it. The second season they just wanted to make it even more dark but then it fell totally flat. Never watched if after that.

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They should have just done S1 and left it at that

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A series that deserves to be watched at school (more precisely middle/high school). In terms of harassment, it shows all aspects very well: from minor problems to the most serious problems….

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Just do yourself a favor and stop after the first season. Don't make your life any more painful than it has to be.

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Pretty sure I only watched the first season. I accidently marked the others watched. Doesn't really matter since this show is stupid.

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13 Reasons Why is a powerful and thought-provoking show that tackles difficult topics such as suicide, bullying, and mental health. It follows the story of a high school student, Clay Jensen, as he discovers the reasons why his classmate, Hannah Baker, took her own life. The show is incredibly well-acted and the writing is sharp and emotionally charged. It's a show that will make you think and feel, and it's a must-watch for anyone looking for a thought-provoking and emotionally charged show. The show is not without its flaws, however, as it can be overly melodramatic at times and the pacing can be a bit slow. But overall, 13 Reasons Why is a powerful and thought-provoking show that will make you think and feel.

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Amazing first season. And here is my recommendation to everyone. Stop watching after season one!!!
The second season will be disappointing and season 3 and 4 are so bad, I regret watching them.
Season rating:
1: 10/10
2: 7/ 10
3: 5 /10
4: 1/10

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i quit watching at season 1 in episode 7
this whas nothing. the story and characters wasted my time

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This show was one incredible season and then 3 absolutely useless seasons that for some reason Netflix felt the need to add? I refuse to watch the other three seasons because in my honest opinion (having read the book) I don't know why it needed to continue. Please however feel free to try and change my mind.

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Always loved this show season 1 will always have a place in my heart :sparkling_heart:

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I abandoned the show after the second season (which took me way too long to watch).
It was just too painful and the episodes are way too long.
Season one is good but not great and season two killed the show for me, no regrets!
I'm glad this show learned me how to quit though, as I tend to always want to finish everything till the very end!

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good first season, shitty the rest of the show. season 2 was questionable, season 3 was very... what the fuck and season 4 was just embarrassing. and I've watched every single bit of it (in 2020. literally only because I had nothing else better to do). I hate myself. I'm glad I can barely remember the show. kinda wanna rewatch season 1 though...
only thing this show is good for: finding out about wallows lol. good band

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Made suicide look so cheesy that it probably saved my life.

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Amazing show, loved watching this and got really attached to the characters! Although I feel the story was dragged on way too long and could have been finished in a few less episodes.

My favourite season was probably Season 3 would never have expected a certain someone to do that certain thing!!

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I don’t know why, but even though this show is incredibly important and the plot feels well written, I just don’t care for the characters at all. They appear to lack dimension for me, like they’re being dragged through awful events but none of them maintain a consistent personality. The “bad guys” are comically awful until they’re shown to be misunderstood and when they are, I don’t feel bad for them because I never cared about them to begin with.

I am frustrated with this show because I feel like it has the potential to be a 10/10 if the characters were more like teenagers. Cliché high school tropes fall flat because this show is supposed to be real. It tackles important issues and hardships a lot of us face. Unfortunately, in the end, it’s forgettable.

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The first and fourth (final) seasons of this are superb, especially the first. The subject matter is dark which did trigger low moods sometimes - but I also found that cathartic. I would definitely watch again, after some time has passed though I'd probably skip some of the second and third season on rewatching. Overall, excellent.

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2 episodes into season 4 and I just can't it's gotten so bad and it wasn't even that good to begin with

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First season was pure perfection. Other three shit. Just ton of shit. Money changing everything :(

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Will always be in Love with Amy !

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Shout by Schmoogie

This is an amazing, powerful show. Season 1 is a bit of a tough view since it deals with rape and suicide. But the storytelling is really good. Season 2 primarily deals with the aftermath of season 1. Season 3, the characters are still dealing with some residual aftereffects of season 1&2 and adds a new, sadly all too common situation in our schools today. All of this culminating in season 4 (final season) where the characters finally graduate but also deal with so much emotional baggage. Season 4, which was written and filmed before the BLM protests/riots, depicted this very issue in a couple of episodes as if those episodes were written yesterday.

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3 Thoughts After Watching ‘13 Reasons Why’:

  1. Season One was a heartbreaking, tragic masterpiece. It was compelling and often incredibly hard to watch — and one of the most emotionally-impactful seasons of television I’ve ever seen. The storytelling via the tapes, in my opinion, was especially unique. The rest of the series, admittedly still super-bingeable, pales in comparison.

  2. Throughout the series, many of the characters become interchangeably likable and despise-able. It’s one of my biggest criticisms of the series. Many of their actions are unnecessarily frustrating, inconsistent, and over-the-top. But, then again, these are high schoolers.

  3. Despite a rocky run, the final episode wraps things up rather nicely. It’s absolutely devastating, which is fitting for a show always shadowed by an ever-present cloud of tragedy, but there’s closure. And maybe even a little hope.

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Beyond its first season, when it was “original”, is unwatchable. They should have end the series there.

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Education of people entering adulthood is hell regardless of the generation that mentions it. In fact, the most important thing is to survive, most who will tried will succeed. The only question is whether this "learning" leaves no permanent side effects. Unfortunately we can not or subconsciously do not want to change it to be better...
The series itself is unfortunately uneven. The last season definitely downgrade its reception with a multitude of incomprehensible decisions of the characters and a series of serious script errors, it's a pity.

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To anyone that said that this is too dark, it’s not.
This is more real than any other high school tv show/movie. It’s very well made on all the different topic discusses. Anyone can relate to a topic. Such as suicide, self harm, mental health, substance abuse, abandonment, rape, sexuality, etc.

A lot of crying on my part, since some things shown has happened/ is happening to me. Words can not describe how much I actually like this show.

Every teenager should watch this but with a healthy mindset. If you are triggered easily by the topics listen then don’t watch. Parents should absolutely watch this as well to know what teenagers these days struggle with. It’s not just rainbows and butterflies.

As Clay Jensen said, it’s about life and death

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The last two seasons were fantastic. I didn't like the first season and I don't even remember the second season. S4 was everything. Character development and growth, instead of focusing on mysteries and murder. The writers did good with the :rainbow: characters. They didn't feel like tokens. S4 gon burst the gays hearts.

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It’s so bad opining.. I don’t like how everything becomes :waving_white_flag:‍:rainbow:

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I don't get how this suicide advertisment is still being produced with less outrage than a movie featuring an actor having the wrong shade of black...

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Extremely sensitive topics are taken into account here.So please watch with that in mind.The forst season itself is hard to take in and moving forward into second season was really hard as all the subjects of the series play their own roles apart from being focussed on a single gal or boy

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This is such a bad series, the main theme of the scene is just a poor excuse for adding sad scenes, the poor exploration of delicate themes is not only bad writing, it's also very disrespectful and even kinda dangerous. The series isn't even objectively good, the pacing is painfully slow and the characters have no psychological development at all.

This is actually one of the worst series I've ever watched.

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It is sad to think this kind of pressure is the way of our schools today, what a pity our future generations are exposed to such turmoil in their lives. I hesitated to watch this show primarily due to the storyline. The director brings to life the sadness experinced by all affected characters. A sad but true portrayal of all affected by this unnecessary outcome.

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It's getting better and better! More issues are being talked about, the characters are more developed and deeper, even though I didn't like that Any girl in S3. Kinda liked Brice in this season.

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I have many questions about this show.

For now, I'm just going to ask one. How are teens under the age of 18 shown as having tatts and piercings in this show?

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I don't get why this show is so controversial.

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Season 1: This is a book adaptation and I haven't read the book so I don't know what to say. This series is very triggering so I suggest you don't watch this when you are depressed and suicidal because I love you. I love the message of this series maybe it's just the execution is gruesome so it really is not for everyone. Love the characters.

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I found season one gripping and a tough emotional watch. Season two seems rushed, and in parts I found myself rolling eyes at the cheesy dialogue. later episodes were excellent with some truly heartfelt writing, but it should have ended with season one. Season three could tarnish the power and message of S1.

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Shout by Deleted

And for anyone curious, my rating on average for Season Two: Episode One - Six are an abysmal 2.8. Thank God for the rest of Season Two.

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Shout by Deleted

Also, I still really despise Hannah Baker. Especially after learning these many negative things about her this season. So my positive ratings go to pretty much every one but her. You won me in season one, but lost me completely here.

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Shout by Deleted

The second season of this series unfortunately failed to match the quality level of the first season, the series declined a lot on quality issues. But we still had great moments and the performances are still excellent

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Season 1: Follows the plot from the book. Has a strong hook to keep the season mysterious and interesting. Really solid acting (extremely impressive despite the large cast). Deals with very real issues that people face at a young age and has a couple of solid plot twists to wrap everything up.

Season 2: An extension of the ending of the book and season 1. I do not know if the author had any say on the plot, but it was a drama filled mess that stretched on too long. The 13 hours of content allows the writers to flesh out every character fairly well, but there's only so much more story that can be told from a couple hundred pages book. I do like how well written the actual trial proceedings were. The show tends to reiterate concepts that have already been done to death. There are some pretty shocking scenes, but the season ends on a cliff hanger that had me scratching my head and not really looking forward to a season 3.

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